Burn Notice Gabrielle Anwar as Fiona

adomis posted on Mar 18, 2017 at 12:48PM
I think this was a great TV show, and I love the "character" of Fiona. However I think Gabrielle Anwar was a very poor choice to play the part she looked 40 when she was twenty, she does not have red hair and for a 100% irish girl that's stupid stick to sterotypes.... they exist for a reason.... also Gabrielle Anwar is fucking ugly as sin. They could have chosen literally anyone else and I would have enjoyed her story arcs alot more. I'm sorry but strong female characters are only truly anwarrppreciated when the woman playing that part is drop dead gorgeous, something Gabrielle Anwar is not and it really brought me great disappointment. Anyone agree? Disagree? Voice your opinion on the casting choice of Gabrielle anwar as Fiona Glen Anne, my opinion is that she is an ugly old wrinkly dumb bitch.

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