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James Marsters Spike Spin Off Tv Series "He's up to It"



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babybell said:
if that happened it would be totally awesomeafied, but in all honesty, even though he is totally the hottest guy like EVER through the whole series, you can tlell the difference from season 2 to season 5 of Angel, and it's been like 5 or 6 years since he finished filming that, and even though he is still incredibly hot, the un aging vampire thing is a difficult thing to play when you have aged :P
posted over a year ago.
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adwbuffy said:
Yeah, I agree with you babybell. I mean the make-up and other things to be the incredible William the Bloody, it would be difficult for James to do in the Spike spinoff project that Joss suggested to do
posted over a year ago.