Boomer (Rowdyruff Boys) Club
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posted by boomerlover
Boomer: Bubbles's equivalent, he is a loud-mouthed dimwit, as opposed of Bubbles's naive sweetness. He is often picked on by his brothers due to being extremely naive(and, to an extent, his stupidity). Bubbles stated in "The Boys are Back in Town" that she thought Boomer was "cute". His hair parts in a curved fasion like Bubbles; in goes on longer on each side and lacks pigtails. After his resurrection, his hair is longer and spikier on each end. One difference between him and Bubbles is that he isn't easily disgusted, where as she would be very easily disgusted by most of the stuff he would almost always enjoy. His signature color is blue. His special power is his ability to make a lightning baseball bat. It is also revealed in the episode "Bubble Boy" that Boomer is the best spitter of the three. Even though Brick and Butch are disbelieving of the fact that Boomer is their brother. There is no doubt they regarded him important. Boomer is always included in their acts of violence or criminal acts. His brothers even show concern when they think he goes missing when they break into the Powerpuff Girls' house. Boomer's element is snips.