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posted by Edmund_Nagle
Sporting Magazine Ned and Farmer George Vol.4 2nd Series
new york public library. printed in London, 1832
I often hunted with the Warde's hounds and with the Duke of Beaufort's, and I had accompanied Royalty repeatedly in the stag-hunt: so that stag , fox, and hare had all fled  before me. I remember the honest face of the late King George the Third, looking all good humour around him.
Sir Henry Goff riding with him, and the late Sir Edmund Nagle, then Captain Nagle,, making he old king laugh with his Hibernian jokes The jolly admiral was arousing the King that day with a story of a 'brother-midshipman' who had been a great enemy of his, but to whom he returned good for evil, by jumping overboard one day and saving his life: he having fallen out of the rigging.: after which they became 'fast friends'. "That was noble of you", said the King." I suppose that after that he would have done any thing in his power for you":-"Yes" replied the brave seaman." that he would"-" he would have gone to hell - to serve me":-"That's a great way to go Captain Nagle": observed the Monarch with a smile, and putting spurs to his horse, rode off, enjoying vastly the roughly told tale. These incidences between George the Third and the late Sir Edmund were innumerable.

Olia had started on a new painting and made a few strokes with her artist brush, the wet canvas was left in 45 minutes, She remembered about Skype and Christmas when she looked at the spruce branches with Xhristmas decorations at the window where the tits were happily picking bits out of the bird feeder, and wrote to her sister:

" Merry Christmas, sis according to the Greek Orthodox old calendar!!! The very first Christians were the Jews themselves, it was said that St John The Baptist was a Black Jew who brought Christianity to Ethiopia link
and, then, Christianity was presented...
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Wow! ! What next,? A Second Coming of The Donald?
Creating a character is a great way to be famous, to win acclaim , and awards:
even a knighthood or two..
Blackadder esq is famous. Edmund the "butler" to Prince George
He wasn't created by Sir Benjamin Charles Elton ( son of the famous Lewis Elton, and nephew of the even more famous Sir Geoffrey Elton)
and Richard Curtis of the BBC, No ! The character already existed.
Edmund has had three very famous incarnations in literature
Firstly as himself, within his own lifetime, feted by Kings of England,
as a naval...
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Ships captured or destroyed which "Artois" received
full or part credits :
23 August 1794    Le Volontaire     French    36-gun frigate    Destroyed    
23 August 1794    L'Alerte    French    12-gun brig    Destroyed    
26 August 1794    Queen British    Merchant vessel    Recaptured    
26 August 1794    Donna...
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posted by Edmund_Nagle
A favourite of the Prince Regent, Nagle was valued for his good humour, his thorough Irishness , and his spinning of yarns. A simple, frank man of a pleasant disposition, he became the subject of many of the outlandish Prince s practical jokes, so much so that Sir Thomas Byam Martin labelled him a Court buffoon .

The only person, then one of the intimates of the Prince of Wales, who could not exactly assimilate himself to the smooth and silky ways of the courtier was...Sir Edmund Nagle, Whilst ( other courtiers) would accost you with all the suavity and urbanity of the most finished gentleman, Sir Edmund (contrarily) would meet you with his usual:
"God Damn you !" and "What do you want now?"
My stepson, a graduate of Auckland University in Japanese and Mandarin languages , uses the catchphrase "I didn't know" when caught 'in flagrante delicto' whilst up to something not quite 'above board', or things a gentleman might call 'not quite cricket".
I was told by Jem Robert's author of The Real History of the Blackadder that he'd never heard of Nagle, he quoted somethings from his book about Sir Ben ( sorry I've called you Mr Ben up until today, what a faux pas) and Mr Curtis watched one episode of a Regency era drama of the early 1980s , and from that were able to create Edmund Blackadder...
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13/07//2023 To Sir Harry Enfield: a repeat

13/07/23 Invoice
To the attention of Sir John Suchet BBC 1/Sir Rowan Atkinson/Sir David Attenborough/ Sir Jim Davidson/Sir Harry Enfield

This invoice is directed to BBC TV Management Financial Department for fast fantasy film production for public entertainment during the Brexit transition period. To those it may concern:

Mrs Olga Alexandra Taggart British passport 546 755 0482GBR6602141F2705125;
National Insurance Number PX 07 06 28 A;
NHS number 623 176 0243 ( GPs: 1) Dr Spring in Borehamwood Manor Way Medical Surgery; 2) Dr Harris in Epsom Derby...
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posted by Clowninthevenus
13/02/2022 Towards East Enders filming project "Apple Farm" by Mrs O.A.Taggart:

On 11/02/2022 Micola McDonald placed a large water rat (a road casulty) in The Drive as a sign to his kind to tell them that the Dumbledore Witch is dead. Micola, though, had a very bad feeling simular to remorse, he also felt the necessity to go to the Roman Catholic Church and to pray for his kill just in case.
The story develops as in Gogol's "The Visionary" (you don't need language to understand) link
posted by Clowninthevenus
09/03/2021 Towards Sir Harry Enfield filming project “The Tooth of King Edward”:

In a short period of time had appeared not only the relatives of the tooth of King Edward which was sold in the auction but also relatives of Tzar Nicolas The Second, German several Kaizers, Egyptian Pharaohs, famous composers of classical music, painters, architects, scientist of different epochs and literary luminaries. The DNA test results were for sale and the price depended on the chosen ancestor.
- How much for King Edward, anyway?
- One and half million British pounds...
- Are you kidding?
- That is the future for your family. Why should we give them way?
posted by Clowninthevenus
09/03/2021 Towards His Royal Highness Prince Andrew/Sir Robert Carlyle filming project "The Spectrum Of The Candle":

- That fact that the glorious Queen Elizabeth The Second is the Second World War veteran herself played a major role. The glorious grandmother has a grandson they targeted since he was born, so everything they had done so far was with one and the same plan. By setting the Charity Club with the veterans promised a lot of money, the USA Military budget would go there as well, not the British only. Red Cross Charity, set the grandson as an advertiser for their and not the British...
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posted by Clowninthevenus
06/03/2021 Towards Sir Rowan Atkinson?Blackadder filming project “The Magic Flute”:
- Many things tells us that Sir Winston Churchill had felt himself a top victor after the war and had grand plans. Building British Military ships in the Soviet ship yards could have been just an idea driven out of fear that Britain is vulnerable without Her own fleet but the plan of choosing the partners for constant oil/gas supply to sustain the British industry and the financial success of the future tells us a bit more about Sir. Nobody else but Sir Winston Churchill could gave been interested in initiating this: link
- I thought it were the Jews who initiated this for their own protection from the Arabs and the Turks...
posted by Clowninthevenus
13/11/2020 To Blackadder Fun Club
Parody Essay by Olga Alexandra Taggart

Swastika Anticlockwise

That is not a religious concept, and, neither that is a vicious political system seeking some ways to conquer another country with an intent to employ pirating Paramilitary interfering with the major religion of the country like it was in Germany right before the Second World war. Nor that it some secret Sanskrit symbol of Ancient India which has a mysterious character of Yaha frolicking behind the curtains.

What can it be in our modern world of the speeds? That is an elaborate plan of fooling,...
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posted by Clowninthevenus
13/05/2021 Towards Sir Harry Enfield filming project "The Tooth of King Edward":

- Did you say that they started replacing Star Trek actors?
- They tried. In many cases successfully. Amongst Star Trek actors they were tracking anything which could even distantly bring them to the Royals. And, that officer who was sent to St Petersburg, Russia by Sir Winston Churchill wasn't an Englishman but Irish, could be one of the few of Irish Aristocracy left alive before the enemy prepared Irish Partition. So, the Star Trek actor who was stolen as a child by the Masons from St Petersburg to USA should have...
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added by kingalitalia
Source: DRM
added by Edmund_Nagle
Source: British Museum
posted by Edmund_Nagle
George Augustus Frederick, Prince of Wales , was induced by the will of Parliament to marry his cousin Caroline of Brunswick in order for the government to agree to paying off many of his debts. The marriage was an unmitigated disaster . George arranged that at his coronation that the Princess ,rightfully now Queen-consort , be locked out of Westminster Abbey George's debts in toto were only recently fully paid off, thanks always to the British taxpayer. Edmund did marry an Heiress, and also widow of a well know West Indian Sugar Merchant. Her name was Mary Harnage Blackman, not quite Amy Hardwood...
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posted by Edmund_Nagle
Admiral Sir Edmund Nagle KCB< GCH, and Groom of the Bedchamber to his Majesty (George IV)
March 14 (died) at his home in East Moulsey (sic), aged 73.
This officer was nephew of that celebrated orator and statesman,
The Right Ho; and his frank and modest manners gaining on the princen. Edmund Burke.....When the allied monarchs reviewed the fleet at SpitheadSir Edmund had the distinguishing honour of being nominated Naval Aide-de-Camp,to his Majesty( the Prince Regent).
The flattering and distinguished marks of favour experienced by Sir Edmund...
from our present gracious sovereign had their origin...
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posted by Clowninthevenus
12/02/2013 Towards Sir Michael Caine books – “La Piovra” – “Netty”:
Alex came back from school. The relatives had left two weeks ago after the funeral of her grandmother Galina. Some items in their flat 27, Mira St 280/7 in Stavropol still reminded about their presence, a box of “ “ was on the table after remembrance dinner, a bucket of white and crimson pionies didn’t fade still...
Then, it was a bell to the door. It was Netty. Netty, grandmother’s oldest friend continued visiting them even after her grandmother died. Alex invited her in the kitchen for a cup of tea but Netty...
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posted by Clowninthevenus
06/02/2020 Towards Sir Jim Davidson filming series "Meeting CIA":

- Has Sir Hairy Enfield appeared as a husband for the Royal titled in the prison cell?
- Not yet, Sir. He's preparing tricky questions about her mother's Gannibal ancestry. Takes time, Sir.
- Where's the Gannibal mom?
- Must have gone with the wind, Sir...
- Any news about Kokoshik marriage?
- This idea, seems, develops slowly... The "Green shoots of Brexit" started shouting...Put the marriage on hold...
- Ah! Have CIA their pencils sharpened?
- Almost, Sir, almost...Their Granddad is talking to his White Persians via Jerusalem at the moment...
- Where?
- In the "Baba Yaha" restaurant!
added by Clowninthevenus
added by Clowninthevenus