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posted by BingoPB
I found this list of tag questions, and I know all of you enjoy answering them. I decided to answer some of them myself. You don't have to answer the same questions I did. There are 700 to choose from. Without further ado, let's get started.

1. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? I never learned to ride one.

2. What’s the worst grade you got on a test? 35%, it was on a math test.

3. What’s your favorite subject? I always liked science.

4. Is your father bald? No, but he's getting there.

5. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? Yes

6. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? Four

7. Who is your best friend? Rubyrings (Layla), don't worry, everyone. I love all of my friends.

8. What is the best birthday gift you have received? My dog, Peanut Butter

9. What’s your eye color? Blue/green

10. What would be on your perfect slice of pizza? Anchovies, mushrooms, green peppers, artichoke, and plenty of cheese

11. What was the last book that you read? The Beatles: An Album by Album Guide

12. What is your relationship status? Single and completely fine with it

13. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? It doesn't matter. I care about personality, not gender.

14. How often do you listen to music? At least three times a day

15. How did you get over your last heartbreak? I listened to songs about break-ups and unrequited love.

16. Have you ever been in an accident? Yes, I have. I had just turned fourteen at the time. My sister was driving. She was showing off to one of our cousins, and she flipped the SUV over. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured.

17. Are you afraid of heights? Yes

18. Are you afraid of small spaces? Yes and no, I don't go into panic mode in a small space, but if I'm in a small space long enough, I feel trapped.

19. Who is your favorite comedian? Gabriel Iglesius

20. Steak or Burger? Burger, I'm not a steak fan. I'll eat it, but I don't really like it.

21. Summer or winter? Summer all the way!

22. Meat or fish? Fish

23. What do you do when you're sad? I cry and listen to sad songs.

24. What is your favorite restaurant? Drake's, they have burgers and sushi, two of my favorite foods.

25. If you could have been told one thing that you weren’t told when you were a teenager, what would you like to have heard? Asexuality is real.

26. What do you miss most about childhood? I miss the simplicity of it and the fact that I didn't have as many responsibilities.

27. What is set as the background image on your computer? My dog, Hansel

28. Would you consider yourself romantic? No

29. What are the most common misconception people have about you? That I'm just like a kid because of my autism.

30. What nicknames do you call your pet? Hansel has a lot of nicknames. They include: Hanse, Hanselator, Hanstegator, Hansy, Han Solo (mainly by my sister), Hansel Bansel, Stinky Winky, Tennessee Tornado, Barky McBarkerson, Hans the Fonz, Black Wolf, the German Shedder, and Hanstable.
Hi, everyone! BingoPB here, and I decided to write an article on ten problems of living in the Southern United States, simply known as the South. Don't get me wrong. I love living where I do, but there are definitely disadvantages, so without further ado, let's get started.

**DISCLAIMER: This list is based solely on opinion and personal experiences. You do not have to agree with my list.

1. The residents expect you to have a Southern/Hillbilly accent, especially if you were born and raised in the South.
I was born and raised in the Southwestern region of Virginia. People often have a hard time...
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Hello, everyone. BingoPB here, and I thought I would do an article about the differences between backyard breeders and professional breeders. Many people consider getting a puppy, and when they have a specific breed in mind, they often turn to breeders.

***DISCLAIMER: This article is based on facts and personal opinions. Individual opinions may vary between individuals.

Before we can understand the difference between backyard breeders and professional breeders, we must first ask this question: what is a backyard breeder? To answer that question, a backyard breeder is a breeder who has no clue...
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I dreamed a dream most pleasant,
One that surpasses all dreams.
I saw someone wonderful,
So charming and so sweet.
He stood tall and firm,
Yet his complexion was so gentle.
He spoke in a deep, low voice,
One that was soothing and gentle.
His hair was dark, and it had a red cast,
That was visible when he stood in the sun.
His eyes were a bright green,
So friendly and so cheerful.
Before I could say a word,
I swooned from the excitement.
When I awoke, I was in my bed.
It was all a dream, I concluded,
And maybe I'm meant to be alone.
posted by BingoPB
Hello, everyone! BingoPB here, and I decided to share the story of Bingo. He is the Collie who started it all as far as my love of Collies goes. He and Peanut Butter are the ones who inspired my username. This is for those of you who have heard of Bingo, but don't know who he was. So, here it goes.

Bingo was born December 14, 1998. He was born on a farm. My sister watched Lassie growing up, and she immediately fell in love with the Collie. My parents found a breeder close to us. Because Bingo came from a backyard breeder and had markings characteristic of an English Setter, I suspect that he...
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posted by BingoPB
I'm on the outside,
Looking in, to a world,
I don't truly understand.
Am I in the right era?
Am I with the right crowd?
It seems they're on the inside,
Looking out, at the me,
They don't truly understand.
They are in there,
Mocking me, because I'm different.
I'm out there,
Reaching out to those on the outside,
Looking in.
It let's me know I'm not alone.
I'm not the only one on the outside,
Looking in.
posted by BingoPB
People say John was a dreamer,
But I assure you of this;
He was not the only one.
I am a dreamer, too.
He was clear when he told us,
"Imagine all the people,
Living life in peace."
Why aren't people listening?
People want a war so badly,
They can't stand it!
Didn't John tell us,
"Give peace a chance"?
I think his message was clear.
I think he'd be baffled,
If he saw what was going on.
John, I want you to know,
I'm still listening.
Who is with me?
posted by BingoPB
Weeds are flowers, too.
Just give them a chance.
They may look unsightly,
But they're amazing once they blossom.
They're often judged by their looks,
But take them seriously.
They're great once you know them.
I know I'm not a daisy,
A tulip, or a rose.
I may not be attractive,
But I'm pretty nice.
Don't judge what you don't know.
Yes, weeds are flowers, too.
Get to know them.
I guarantee you won't regret it.
posted by BingoPB
Hello, everyone! BingoPB here, and I decided to write an article about my favorite lyrics. I know. You were expecting a poem. Don't worry; there will be more poems to come. I just didn't feel like writing one at the moment. This list is not exhaustive, but if I were to include all of my favorite lyrics, I'd be up all night. This is not in a particular order. Here it goes.

"Why must we kill our own kind?" from "Boom!" by System of a Down
System of a Down is known anti-war songs. "Boom!" is one of the many songs written in protest to wars that should have never been started. Basically, war is killing...
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posted by BingoPB
She was once someone I know.
She is now someone I knew.
I told her all of my secrets.
She never told a soul.
She never ran out of things to say,
To make me feel better.
She was the star of the sea,
But her ship sailed away.
The waves pushed me back.
Now, I find, I'm all alone.
This great person I knew,
Was a good friend.
It's a shame this had to end.
I miss her greatly,
But pining over her,
Won't change anything at all.
I have to move on.
It's time to let go.
I will never forget what we had.
I finally accepted that it wasn't meant to be.
posted by BingoPB
Who are you to tell me,
That I'm not so pretty?
Malicious Mirror, you weren't my friend.
You were my worst enemy!
You told me I was ugly,
And I couldn't make friends.
But I stayed strong,
And proved you wrong!
I'll now direct it to you,
Oh, Christians, I verily say,
Who are you to tell me,
What I should be?!
You told me to be prejudiced.
I was blind to your ways,
But now I see,
You tried to force a false identity.
What were you trying to do,
When you told me to believe,
Your lies? You said my grandfather,
Whom I loved dearly, is in Hell,
And I know that he is well.
He's behind that pearly gate,
And I know that is his fate.
Christians, you betrayed my trust,
Only to cause a thirst for lust.
posted by BingoPB
When you told me you'd visit me,
You lied! Oh, how could this be?
Alas! Puppy Love tragically died.
I felt, as if, I'd fallen, into the dirt.
This lost love, left me badly hurt.
But I am all right.
I'm very much alive.
I'll take this scarred heart,
Let it heal, and keep it, from falling apart.
They say it's better to have loved and lost,
But, I think, I would have been better off,
To have never loved at all.
To love again, I never will.
It isn't worth, the pain that you feel.
Love is for someone, who isn't me.
I think it's best to let it be.
I am just fine, with the company of friends.
Not with lovers, that's how it is.
posted by BingoPB
80smusiclover1 already did one of these. I thought I would do one of my own. Here it goes.

10. Rottweiler
Although these dogs look fierce, they're actually really gentle. A properly trained Rottweiler is intelligent, loyal, courageous, and friendly.

9. Great Dane
Despite their large size, Great Danes are very friendly. They might not be the most intelligent dogs, but they make up for it in their loyalty and bravery. They also have a comical side to them.

8. English Mastiff
Don't let their large size fool you. The English Mastiff is a gentle dog. They also tend to be quite clumsy, which makes them...
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added by 80smusiclover1
posted by BingoPB
Hello, everyone! BingoPB here. I've had some friends who have made these already, and I thought I would make one myself. Here it goes.

1. My least favorite type of chocolate is white chocolate. I don't dislike it. Its only problem is it's not chocolate. My favorite type of chocolate is dark chocolate, the darker the better!

2. My favorite animals, besides dogs, include wolves, lions, black leopards, meerkats, and foxes.

3. Although I find cities to be fascinating, I prefer the countryside. It's away from all the hustle and bustle. You can actually hear grass grow.

4. I have a wide variety of interests,...
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added by 80smusiclover1
the beatles
john lennon
Hi, everyone! BingoPB here, and today, I'm going to talk about dogs that do not deserve their awful stereotypes. This is based on a few facts and opinions. Here it goes.

1. Pit Bull
Pit Bulls are definitely dogs that do not deserve their stereotypes. For one thing, Pit Bull is not a breed. In fact, it is a category of breeds. This category includes the Stafforshire Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the American Pit Bull Terrier, and that's to name a few. That being said, the bite statistics for a certain breed are unreliable. Sometimes dogs are labeled incorrectly as Pit...
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added by 80smusiclover1
As many of you may or may not know, I have Mild, High-Functioning Autism, formerly Asperger's syndrome. Growing up with it was very hard. I never had very many friends growing up. I do have acquaintances, but I don't exactly have friends.

When I was nine years old, I was diagnosed with what was then called Asperger's syndrome. The two specialists in the facility argued about the diagnosis for the longest time. It turns out that Asperger's syndrome was the correct diagnosis. My teachers have noted repetitive motions, especially during math sessions. I never noticed that I was doing them, and...
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Hello, everyone! BingoPB here, and in this article, I am going to answer the question, "Are there good modern rock bands?" I am going to state my opinion on whether or not I think there are good modern rock bands. So, let's get started.

The answer to the question is: yes and no. It's very had to find modern rock bands that are good. For the most part, all of the bands I like formed BEFORE the year 2000. (That explains why I don't have very many friends). However, there are three modern rock bands that I like. They are Black Stone Cherry, Blackberry Smoke, and Heaven's Basement. Granted, I don't...
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posted by BingoPB
Hi, everybody! BingoPB, here, and I am going to give you tips about Collies. This is from what I've read and my personal experiences with Collies. Here it goes.

Are you considering getting a Collie of your own?
Make sure you do your research on the Collie to make sure it is the right breed for you. Do not get a Collie expecting it to be like Lassie. Do not get a Collie expecting it to be like my dog, Peanut Butter either. Each dog is different, and both Collies were trained to behave the way that they do. This is true for ANY breed of dog.

Grooming depends on the coat type. There are two...
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