Biggerstaff Family Club
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It was almost impossible to sleep through the racket that was sweeping through the Biggerstaff Estate. Then again, it's Luna Biggerstaff we're talking about.

An explosion was heard from the kitchen,followed by the sound of a girl named Emily swearing and then a small popping sounding. The explosion had quieted everybody down, and was so loud it actually managed to wake up the dead.

"WILL YOU MIND?!Just cause I'm fucking DEAD doesn't mean I don't need SLEEP!!" bellowed the ghost. The funny thing was, this ghost is (or was) Luna's mother.

As you can tell, the Biggerstaffs aren't a normal family.They're all magical. Yes, it sounds stupid, but say that to their face and you'll be knocked out the second the take their wand out.
The explosion had also woken up Luna, at last. Others would find it strange to wake up in such manner, but for the Biggerstaffs, it's just a normal day.With there being dozens of them, in the mansion, it's not unusual to have such a normal start to a day.

"Okay, who woke up Gemonk? Now she's gonna be cranky all day!That's just what we need!"yelled Kate. Normally, her voice wouldn't be heard throughout the entire house, but she was using Sonorus, the spell to project your voice so it could be heard louder, like a magical microphone, so it echoed throughout the entire mansion.

Yeah that's just what we need, thought Luna.My mom bitching about everything, even more than usual.She gave a little chuckle and lifted the bedsheet over her head even farther, hoping to go back to sleep.But a faint popping sound was heard near the door that prevented her from drifting off.

"Lovely, you're STILL in bed?"
"I thought I told you to leave me alone when I sleep," Luna groaned from under the covers.
"You know, you're just like mom.You stay up late and then you get mad at people for waking you up before midday," said the intruder.
"Yeah, well we can't all be early birds, can we Zanny?" said Luna as she sat upright on her bed.
"Actually, if we kicked you and mom out, then yes, we CAN." She laughed at her own stupid retort.Luna gave her a smirk, but it faded into the anger that was visible in her face.She had just noticed what Zanny had called her.

"Don't call me Lovely,okay. You know I hate that nickname. Seriously, I call myself Lunalovely ONCE when I was a dumb, girly five year-old and I'm branded for life!"

"The whole family calls you Lovely, you can't stop us all. Besides, if that nickname bothers you, then it's my duty as an older sister to use it to annoy you every day." She finishes with a whole-hearted grin.

"No, that's MY duty. Your duty as an older sister is to defend and help your little sister when in major trouble.Which you fail at."
"Didn't see that anywhere in the handbook. Now come one, get up. Ari has almost finished eating your breakfast for you."

Ari is Luna's other sister.She's Zanny's twin, but Ari might as well be the younger sister. Luna's taller, stronger,and more mature. But what Ari lacks in muscle, she gains in magic. Seriously, do NOT insult Micheal Jackson in front of her unless you want slugs coming out of your mouth for 3 days. He might as well be God, seeing how she worships him, but Luna doesn't mind, as long as Ari doesn't rub him in her face.
"Read.My.Lips.I don't.Care." and with that, she flopped back down into her cozy bed.

"Fine.Enjoy your sleep." But before she left, she grabbed a waterbottle from Luna's nightstand, uncapped it, and waterbended it all over Luna and her bed. And before Luna could grab her wand and stupify her sister,Zanny Disapparated with a smile on her face.

Did I forget to mention that some of the Biggerstaffs could bend the elements?
You, are dead,big sis.SO DEAD!Luna sometimes had a habit of talking to herself.She decided it was time to get up, sleep wasn't an option anymore anyway. Luna was also a waterbender,so she could've removed the water herself, but she only knows the basics,and at this time of day, with no breakfast for energy, she could barely lift a drop without getting tired.She grabbed her wand from her nightstand and Apparated into the dining room.

"Morning fam-" She realized she was the only person in the room. "-ily.How are you all doing today, I see you saved me some breakfast Ari." Of course, Luna thought as she saw the clock. It's 10AM. Everybody has already eaten and gone to do whatever hell they do for fun.

Luna hated eating alone.There WAS the plus side of not having people trying to steal your last muffin, or the huge mess and loud noises everybody would make, but she wouls still enjoy some company.And company came.

From the ceiling came Gemonk, better known as GD, her hands rubbing her eyes, and her mouth wide open, yawning.
"Okay, who's brilliant idea was it to wa-where is everybody?"She said when she noticed it was only her and Luna in the room.

Luna pointed to the clock and GD got the message. "You'd think they'd have the decency to WAIT for us." Gemonk grabbed a chair and 'sat down'. Really, she was floating an inch off of it.
Luna had conjured up a bowl full of Reese's Cups Cereal and poured milk into her bowl. "No one in the world has enough patience to wait for us. We wake up to late," she responded.

"Hey, I'm dead.Ghosts are natural night owls, what's your excuse?" Luna shrugged.
"You know me, I like to stare at the moon.I've been doing it since birth. That IS how you came up with my name." Luna did enjoy to look at the moon, she thought it was pretty. But at the moment, she was lying.

"You're right. I do know you.I know you too well.For example, I know that you only spend hours looking at the moon when it's full, when it's not you only take minutes. and I also know that yesterday night was a quarter moon. Therefore, I know that what you're saying is a load of bull. Please, you were doing stupid shit online weren't you?"

"Maybe. But's that's not your buisness.That's how it is here .As long as you don't bother anybody, nobody cares.That's how it's always been. I just wish it could change."She hadn't said the last sentace out loud, but she was really close to.

"True. Now if you don't mind, I'm hungry, so can we finish this conversation?" I'm sure you wonder how Gemonk can be hungry and tired, being a ghost and all, but she's a "special" ghost, at least that's what she says.

Luna finished her breakfast, Apparated to her room, grabbed the book she was currently reading, and Dissaparated to her favorite tree that was in the grounds of the Estate.

She discovered her love for the tree when she was 6. Her sister were making fun of her, almost to the point of making Luna cry, so she ran out of the house and hid behind the tree. After that she realized how relaxing it was to be isolated from everyone, so she started taking books there ans staying behind it for hours. And after two years of reading in the shade of it, she had learned how to climb it, almost to the top. A year after that, when she finally got control of her magic, she built a treehouse. She learned how to put a Disilusion charm on tree, one that would last a long time, so no one would find it, and she wouldn't need to constantly do the spell. A treehouse no one knew about and couldn't see. The perfect hideout.

She climbed into the treehouse grabbed a blanket and a waterbottle from the ones she kept in the tree, curled up into the corner, and began to read.Obviously, she could just Apparate inside, but she didn't like to.The fun of it is to climb up yourself.

Luna is very strange.One minute she feels like she needs the family to be bonded, but the next she wants to be alone, undisturbed. Sometimes she felt as if she had a personality disorder or something, but she wasn't crazy. She was sure of it.That's just what she needs, she thought. To tell someone she felt like she was a little crazy and they'll call her LoonyLuna to the end of time. My gravestone would probably read 'Here Lies Loony, the crazy Biggerstaff'. Yeah, exactly what I need, she muttered to herself.

Then again, no one in the world is completely sane,especially us Biggerstaffs.There I go contradicting myself ONCE AGAIN! And to add it all up, I'm talking to myself. Nice job, Luna. You're great at being sane.She couldn't help but laugh at herself. It wasn't just a chuckle, but a whole-hearted laugh that lasted for a while. but a noise under the tree made her stop mid-laugh.

"Did you hear that? It sounded like Luna laughing. Luna are you spying on us?" The voice was Ari's.Nobody had ever been this close to the tree,of course she never made a sound when she was in the treehouse,but now,Luna had almost blew it. "It sounded like it was coming from over he-OW! What the fu-"

"What? What happened?" said Zanny, not letting Ari finish her sentence. Ari turned around and rubbed her head where she was hit.
"I hit my head,right there.There's like something invisible.I bet it's a Disilusion charm.Here, help me." They took out their wands and did the counter-curse.
"Whoa, how long has this tree been here? Or, better said,not here? And who built the treehouse? " said Zanny. Damn them.
"Okay, fine! You guys caught me, it'smy hideout." And she blew it.
"So it WAS you I heard!See Zanny, I'mnot crazy! I'm not!"

"Course not. So will you let us in?"
"Sure, go ahead.It's not like I can hide it from you anymore." They both Apparated into the treehouse.
"Blankets, water, Chocloate Frogs, Cauldron Cakes, dude, you're set for life. Why do you have all this up here?"said Ari.

"Like I said, it's my secret hideout. This is where I've been disappearing to for the past 4 years. Then again, you probably didn't notice." What am I doing, she thought. Luna has never gotten so close to saying what she has been feeling for years.
"Well, actually, I kinda didn't.But whatever, right?" said Ari.

That's it.She can't take it. Luna has always bottled her emotions, and now it's coming all out.
"NO IT"S NOT WHATEVER!!" she shouted. Tears started to fall from her eyes.Why was she crying? She never cries, she never like to.

"You have NO idea, do you?! I'm TIRED of us being like this! It's as if we're strangers! We barely feel like a family, and I'm tired of having it bottled up!I tired of feeling alone. I purposely keep to myself, cause being surrounded by people, yet feeling alone, is worse than litterally being alone!"
"Look Luna, we understan-"

"NO! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!You don't understand shit! You just let the years pass, and you don't care whether we're a family or not, you just do whatever. You all just split up and find it to be okay, BUT IT'S NOT OKAY! Nothing's okay, I"M NOT OKAY!" Luna dropped to the ground and fell into Zanny's arms. She stopped yelling, but she couldn't stop crying. Zanny just held her tighter. Ari got closer and hugged them both.

"It's okay, Luna.It's gonna be okay.I'm here, and so is Ari. Don't forget, we ARE a family. We're the Biggerstaffs. Don't you forget it. Remember, 'The Bigger the staff, the bigger the love.' We promise we'll start acting like a family." Luna stpped crying. "Promise me one thing. Call me-sniff-Loony." Zanny gave a chuckle. "Sure Luna. You know, you can be really crazy sometimes."

"Since when is any Biggerstaff sane?" asked Ari.
"She's right you know. Hold on a second." Luna got up, went to the door-hole of the tree house, and on top, she conjured up a metal plaque that read, "Loony's, Ari's and Zanny's Hideout. Come in and you die." She came back in and hugged both of them."Family, begins today."
And begin it did.

(Yes, I know, VERY corny.But hey, I got emotional. And yeah I know, my writing skills are poor, and beleive it or not, that was my best work yet. BTW, that whole "I'M NOT OKAY!" thing, yeah I was listening to the song by MCR while writing it, so yeah.I kinda based the whole ending of it with the fact thst I myself sometimes think I'm crazy for constantly contradicting myself on everything.I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing this :D I should do this more often..)
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