Bernie Sanders Updates

a comment was made to the photo: Bill Santos And Bernie Sanders Delray Beach Fl. over a year ago by CindyBouqsMoore
a photo was added: Bill Santos Feels The Bern In Delray Beach Florida over a year ago by MarieSantos
an article was added: Bernie and the Truth over a year ago by tracymilkee1
a comment was made to the poll: Would you vote for Bernie in the 2016 presidential election? over a year ago by Cinders
a reply was made to the forum post: Who would you like to see as a running mate for Bernie? over a year ago by Cinders
a video was added: Canadian Politician "Feeling the Bern"! over a year ago by avibeiderman
a link was added: Bernie is polling better than the top three republican candidates! over a year ago by tamore
a poll was added: Would you vote for Bernie in the 2016 presidential election? over a year ago by tamore
a link was added: Bernie Sanders 2016 over a year ago by tamore
a video was added: Late Night with Seth Meyers: Why "Socialist" Isn't a Dirty Word over a year ago by tamore
a video was added: Bernie Sanders Rally in Portland Maine over a year ago by tamore
a link was added: How socialist Bernie Sanders offers Democrats a shot at the white working class over a year ago by tamore
a link was added: HuffPo, Bernie Sanders denounce the GOP over a year ago by Candide33
a link was added: The Bernie Buzz over a year ago by Candide33
a link was added: Bernie on The Daily Show over a year ago by Candide33
a video was added: I Urge The American People To Contact The President Directly!! Bernie Sanders pt.1 MOXNEWSd0tCOM over a year ago by Candide33
a pop quiz question was added: If Bernie ran for president in 2012, would you vote for him? over a year ago by Candide33