Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Club
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posted by MOFOprincess
This episode starts with Argit who is conning the Forever Knights. I like Argit. Well, I don’t like him; I actually have strong negative feelings towards him because he is a jerk and bad, but I like the drama he brings to the episodes he is in. After the castle falls down and after the theme, the music is different. It doesn’t sound like the usual music on the show; it is fun and a little bit fresh. Ben, of course as famous as he is now, is signing cups and getting interviewed. He has a paper cut out of himself too.
Ben then does something that is really out of character in my eyes. He screamed “What?!” at one of his fans that was a little annoying. I don’t think he would do that, and that that is out of character for him. He appreciates fans and his fame, so I don’t think he would really do that. But, he did and kind of made himself look mean. It’s funny though when he pops the pen cap and signs the cup without blinking.
Okay when the Forever Knights break into Mr. Smoothy, it is the funniest thing ever. Maybe it is just me, but I am laughing so hard thinking about it right now. I didn’t laugh when I watched it, but now it’s hilarious. They break through the wall, and Ben says, “There’s a door, right there!” They took out the entire wall, but the doors were untouched! They’re destructive villains so they wouldn’t use a door, but still I think it’s funny. Then they steal a smoothie machine. And, I don’t know why because it was random, but one of the Knights counts Ben’s cups and says that he counts only nine souvenir cups. Gwen and Kevin jump into action, but Ben is distracted with his fans raving over him. He manages to spray a web at them as Spidermonkey, but they use a teleport beam. By the way, the Knights’ guns looked like the laser lances from “Ben 10 Returns.” They also took Ben’s cups-now I know why the Knight made a big deal about them.
Gwen: “Nobody cares about your cups!”
Then they get super serious, and are all like, posing almost, and Ben says that they need the best and someone who would know.
So they go to Jimmy. The little kid who discovered Ben, and is really smart which I don’t like. His mom answers the door with cookies offered and Kevin raises his hand. Funny stuff!
Before they get started on talking about important things, Jimmy speaks his views of the government, which are probably the writer’s views of the government said through Jimmy. Also they mention that the cartoon channel makes one bad episode so people would buy more toys. Ben was sucked into that scandal! Then Jimmy gets a Forever Knight up on his computer who is his video game friend.
On the way to the castle, Kevin is sitting in the back seat! This has never been seen before! Except in season one when he was aged. I then noticed that Jimmy has the same voice actor as J.T. His mom then took him to gymnastics, so he couldn’t further help the team, but they already found the castle then so it was okay.
It reminded me of old times when Gwen said that stealth was out because the castle was too heavily guarded, and then Ben said they were never good at stealth anyway. So they used force to get in the castle and it worked very well. They looked tough and professional.
Then they meet Argit on a couch dressed as a king and the Knights are waiting on him hand and foot. It’s ridiculously funny when he snaps, and they move him literally 6 feet closer to the team. Kevin asked for Argit’s scam, but then Argit gave Kev the money he owed him.
Kevin: “You know I love money than anything else in the world-“
Gwen got mad at that, and then Kevin said ‘almost anything’ and if you think about it, he was kind of saying that he loved Gwen. =D
Then Kevin goes to hurt Argit, when Andreas shakes Kevin.
Kevin: “A little help here!”
Gwen: “Why don’t you get your money to help you?”
We can see that Andreas is actually a big softie. I didn’t notice that in the episode we met him first. He trusts and loves the people/aliens that are nice to him. Ben then scans Andreas with the Ultimatrix, and Argit pretty much reveals what he is doing.
This next part is harsh. The team doesn’t think it’s right what Argit is doing with Andreas, and Kevin says something like, “If you think anyone is stupid enough to trust you,”
Argit: “You mean Andreas or you?”
That stung. That hurt deep. That was like, really cold and harsh.
After that, Argit tells them to leave. Then, some dude named Sir Daggonet tells Argit to leave.
Argit: “Yeah, I’m gunna say no thanks.”
It was hilarious when Argit said that. Then, Argit says he is saved and puts on an act so he will be on Daggonet’s good side. He fires his quills at the team and Andreas, and Daggonet does not believe his act. The next moment, he is thrown in the dungeon. He finds out that Andreas will be killed. Ben, Gwen, and Kevin are in the same dungeon. Kevin says he thinks there is still one of Argit’s quills in his butt, which is silly and doesn’t make much sense since they were hit from the front.
Gwen: “I’m surprised your money didn’t protect you.”
Good Gwen! Don’t let him live that down! Don’t get walked all over by a tool.
Then the team finds out that Andreas will be killed, but why didn’t they hear that when Daggonet was there talking? Anyway, they break out and Kevin opens the cell and intentionally lets Gwen go first.
Gwen: “Sure you don’t wanna hold the door for your money?”
At the next scene, Andreas looks so sad! I feel so bad for him! He wanted Argit. I was like, “AW!” The team was putting together a plan, then Argit has the nerve to try to escape. Kevin steps on his tail to stop him, and then throws him to where the Knights are. He lands on a table with money on it in the middle of all the Knights.
Ben turns into Swampfire and they free Andreas. THIS IS MAJOR CUTE-NESS! Andreas holds Kevin and says he is sorry for shaking him earlier and that now they are friends. And I forgot exactly what Kevin says, but it’s something like this:
Kevin: “Alright big fella,” or “Alright buddy.”
Gwen is fighting well against Daggonet. We lost Ben a while back, but when Daggonet calls the Knights to come and he puts the weapon in the castle floor, we see Ben again. He was kind of slacking.
They try to figure out what to do about the gun turned self-destruct, and I think they took way to long figuring it out. Also, Ben should have too control of the situation better. I think he should have put his life before someone else’s, although in the long run that seems stupid. He should have figured out a plan where they escaped with no one getting hurt.
But, Argit gets Andreas to absorb the blow of the bomb. They then find some exit to escape through. Luckily, a huge doorway of wall crumbles at the perfect moment. They still got caught in the rubble though, but when they got out Argit was just concerned for his money.
Kevin hated Argit for that. Kevin would never take advantage or shit on the people who love him. If Kevin had what Argit had (which he does) he would never not appreciate it. Kevin hit him and yelled at him in a ‘how could you?’ sort of way. He had to be held back by a concerned Ben and worried Gwen. They came to the conclusion that Argit didn’t understand Kevin, Ben, and Gwen, and they separated.
Lastly, (I called this) Aggregor comes to the crumbled castle and finds Andreas. He tells Andreas that he will make him all better and I came to the realization that Aggregor behaves differently to each of his captured aliens. He knows their personalities, and so he knows how to handle each one due to their emotions. Like how he is caring in a disguised evil way towards Andreas.
added by Deathmask
added by RealBenTennyson
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Episode Video Game
ultimate alien
episode 4
video game
added by Deathmask
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Episode Eyes of Beholder
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added by clank123
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posted by Deathmask
Julie FAN
Julie FAN
In the article that I just read(even I was still in this fansite), everything what I just read that the episode of the show was similar with one of the another, but the different is the plot and the cast that be put into it. It's not like I said the show was boring or something, but at least try to put an element of surprises in one episode. Not much but just one.
For example, make a new character that was Ben new rival. Which he was not an alien or have a super power, just an ordinary person who was smart, good in martial art, really good looking than Ben was, and etc.(If you know what I mean)
Well it just a suggestion. No hard feeling for Ben 10 fan, because I am also a Fan of BEN 10 AF@UA.
Verdona FAN
Verdona FAN
added by hermione_lover
added by wenjing10
added by Jerexious
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Episode Revenge of Swarm
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added by Batninga
added by Jerexious
added by Jerexious
added by Jerexious
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Episode The Big Story
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episode 24
added by fankid
hey its my heatblast action figure
ultimate alien
ben 10
posted by flam8
Me flam8 just added 44 new Ben 10 Ultimate Alien pictures to the club Ben 10 Ultimate Alien on Fanpop. Hope you like them. From:flam8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by flam8
season 2 episode 14 The Battle Of Vilgaxia/season 2 episode 15 Rise Of The Creature/season 2 episode 16 Beware The Old/season 2 episode 17 Shattered Dimensions/season 2 episode 18 To Live Or To Die. Isn't that awesome because I think it is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!