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posted by Beastlysoul25
Belle flew through the treetops as she felt the wind go through her wings and fur. She felt uneasiness in the air, something was wrong as she approached the castle. Belle carefully flew up to the balcony of the West Wing. When she got there, the balcony door was open. Belle walked inside, but it was really dark, nothing could be seen, except a little glowing candle. She placed the rose on the table where the magic mirror was and took the candle to the fireplace and through it in there. A fire glowed in the fireplace, Belle turned around and saw the horror before her. The west wing was a mess again, but it wasn't as bad when she first met Adam. Belle could see that the place was ransacked, something was more than wrong!

Suddenly, the door to the west wing opened. Belle turned around and saw Lumiere, he was all beaten up with a black eye. Lumiere saw Belle in her bat body, he was greatly frightened as he grabbed the closest thing near him, a small table.

"You get out of this castle and bring us back our master!" Lumiere shouted as he charged Belle.

"Wait! Lumiere!" Belle shouted back, but Lumiere swung the table at Belle, but she ducked and the table broke as it hit the wall. Lumiere grabbed one of the table's legs and turned back at Belle. She couldn't attack Lumiere, instead she turned to the door and ran out of the room. Belle went through the halls, there seemed like there had been a fight, but she couldn't stop because Lumiere was still after her. Belle saw an opened door, she went into the room and closed the door. She was hoping that it was over, but when she saw the room she was in, she covered her mouth in shock. It was the ballroom and everyone was lying on the floor. They were beaten and exhausted, what could've happened?

Cogsworth, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes and saw Belle back away from the pounding door.

"Belle?" Cogsworth said as he weakly got up, Belle quickly turned around.

"Cogsworth!" Belle said in shock, Cogsworth had his clothes torn and had a busted lip.

"I thought you were a bird." Cogsworth said as he stared at her.

"I'm a bat at night, what happened here?" Belle quickly asked.

"I'm not sure if I can tell you." Cogsworth said.

"You have to, Adam's missing and Lumiere's trying to kill me!" Belle said even more quickly. Another pound and the door swung open, Lumiere came charging in trying to hit Belle's head. She quickly flew up to the ceiling to avoid Lumiere hitting her. She had no choice, she flew towards Lumiere and landed on his back, just like when Tintement jumped on Adam's back. The table leg flew out of Lumiere's hand, he tried to crawl away but he couldn't.

"Lumiere, are you all right?" Cogsworth asked him.

"Do I look all right?" Lumiere said in anger and fear, "I've got this bat standing on my back!"

"I'm sorry, Lumiere. I really didn't want to do it." Belle explained.

"How do you know my name?" Lumiere asked in shock.

"Well, believe it or not, this bat is Belle!" Cogsworth explained.

"What?" Lumiere asked, he couldn't believe it.

"It's a long story," Belle quickly explained, "but right now you need to tell me what has happened! I came to visit Adam, but his room has been ransacked and he's missing!"

"First, can you get off my back please, Belle?" Lumiere asked.

"You're not going to attack me again, are you?" Belle asked him.

"Not that I now know that it's you, Mademoiselle!" Lumiere said in his usual kind voice. Belle walked off of Lumiere's back, he slowly got up with his hands on his back.

"Now tell me what happened!" Belle pushed.

"Well, we were all gathered here to clean the ballroom." Cogsworth explained, "The master was still in his room, so he wasn't with us."

"Just then," Lumiere added, "your aunt came in wandering around the room. We didn't notice anything about her until I saw her wearing one of your dresses!"

"When I noticed it," Cogsworth continued, "I asked her what she was doing wearing one of your dresses, then, out of nowhere, she punches me. There was a loud boom coming from above, we saw something fly out of the master's window."

"Then your aunt attacked everyone, including us." Lumiere continued, "We don't remember anything until you arrived."

"I know what happened." said a small voice. Everyone's attention was turned to the kitchen door, there was Chip with this scared look on his face and holding something in his hands. He slowly came out of the kitchen, but what has happened had scared him. Belle bent down to Chip's level so she wouldn't try and scare him.

"Chip, it's me, Belle." Belle said.

"I know, I heard you." Chip said, Belle hear how scared Chip was in his voice.

"Chip, what else happened?" Belle asked, "I know you're scared, but you need to tell us so we can help Adam."

"I saw what flew out of the window." He said, "It was your father's stepmother, she was holding the master's neck collar. Your aunt went after me and was going to hurt me, but when she raised her arm, tears fell from her eyes."

"Celia isn't known for crying." Belle thought to herself, "What happened next?"

"She lowered her arm and said 'I've already hurt my nieces when they were children, I'm not going to hurt another child. Give this to Belle and tell her to twist it.' She gave me this ball and she disappeared." Chip said when he raised up a little silver ball.

"Let me have it." Belle asked, Chip handed Belle the silver metal ball, she twisted it. One went one way, the other went a different way. The ball glowed, jumped out of her furry hands and wings and started to spin. A light shot upwards and widens to show an image of Celia.

"Celia!" Belle growled.

"Easy, Belle," Celia said, "I've caused enough harm towards Tintement and you."

"What do you want?" Belle asked, "What did you do with Adam!"

"It's not what I want," Celia explained, "it's what my mother wants. She wants you to bring her the other half of the Clarinet of Life to the abandoned asylum!"

"That's never happening!" Belle shouted as she stamped her foot down.

"Mother knows that," Celia said, "that's why she kidnapped the love of your life and your father!"

"WHAT!" Belle screeched.

"You can't bring the mouthpiece half of the Clarinet!" Celia pushed.

"How do I know that you're telling the truth!" Belle shouted.

"I know you and Tintement hate me for placing the spell on the two of you," Celia quickly explained, "but I want you to know, I only did it to protect you from my mother! But you won't know if I'm telling the truth unless you listen to me! I don't want you to bring the mouthpiece, but mother will kill Maurice and Adam if you don't! I'm sorry to have failed you." The light thinned and went back into the silver ball, Belle can't believe it. She either gave up the mouthpiece of the Clarinet of Life or her father and Adam will die for real.

"Belle, give up the instrument!" Lumiere quickly decided, since he didn't know anything.

"She can't!" said a female voice, out of nowhere, the enchantress popped up and marched up to Belle. "Belle, don't be stupid!" the enchantress urged.

"I'm not, but...what else can I do!" Belle pushed the point.

"I-I-I-I...I don't know. My magic isn't strong enough against Fiona." The enchantress softly said.

"We need a plan." Cogsworth said. While Cogsworth, Lumiere and the Enchantress were talking about a plan, Belle stepped out the balcony and looked into the sky. She couldn't lose the people she loved so much again. She may not be thinking with her head, but she is thinking with her heart. She remembered from her mother's diary that the locket has to be pointed to the moon and the light would beam off the jewel into the direction of the Clarinet. Belle left the castle and went to the ruins, she pointed her mother's locket towards the moon. The locket started to glisten, then the moon shot a beam of light at the sapphire jewel and reflected in the direction of the place of the mouthpiece. With the locket pointed at the moon, Belle flew in the direction of the beam.

To Belle's surprise, she found herself back at her old home in the village where she was born. She hadn't been back to this house since her mother passed. Her father, Maurice, couldn't bear to live in this house without his wife, so he moved him and Belle into the house in the village where they thought Belle was odd. The house was still empty and the beam was pointing to the cellar, she walked down there. The beam had disappeared because there was no light in the cellar except for one window. Belle pointed the locket at the window, a small beam of moonlight bounced off the stone and pointed down to the ground. The clarinet was under the house; Belle dug out the wooden planks and dug into the ground. She dug and dug until she could fit inside the hole. She dug about eight feet below the house when she felt something hard. She brushed away the dirt and found a red case. Belle pulled herself out of the hole with the case, went outside under the moon and opened the case. Inside the case...were the mouthpiece and the first valves of a pink clarinet. As Belle closed the case, she said to herself;

"The mouthpiece of Gabrielle's Clarinet of Life. If this what you want, Fiona, you'll get it. This is for you, Adam."
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers