Avatar: The Last Airbender Club
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So I've been really into travel lately and dreaming of places I'd love to see. And then I got to thinking about what places some of my favorite characters might like to go to. So I thought I'd just consider where all of the Avatar characters might go to if they lived in our world.
Aang: I can see him liking Thailand. For me it's a very beautiful place that's just alive with all of the elements. I can see him enjoying a view like this;

That and Thailand has some very elegant temples that I think Aang would be fond of if he was in our world.

The Neatherlands would have been choice two; ya know, windmills and all lmao.

Katara: Venice was kind of the obvious choice for me when looking at Katara. She is right with her element. Venice is a breathtaking place and (like Paris) in my opinion it has a very romantic atmosphere that I think Katara would enjoy. I also think she'd be a fan of Italian music. Couple that with all of the water and I think Katara would feel right at home.

For her I also considered Greece.

Toph: Toph is just hardcore and badass, that's why she gives me more of a Russian vibe. I've got all of those, 'in Soviet Russia' memes in mind. If we're going by associations; the country has that tough, rough around the edges vibe. And Toph fits the bill. If anyone can handle a harsh Russian winter, it's her.

And look at all that earth right there. I think she'd have a blast. For some reason I also feel like she'd enjoy a place like Scotland or Ireland.

Sokka: I was going to say Alaska or something like that, but I feel like that would have been too obvious and easy. So instead I went with Finland. Granted Finland is still a frosty place. But I think Sokka would vibe more in Finland than in a place like Alaska. Based on the images I've seen it just seems like a more lively and fun place with a lot of very interesting traditions. Plus it's not snow all the time and I think Sokka would like a break from winter. He also strikes me as the type of dude who'd be keen on the northern lights, if for no other reason than to set a romantic mood with the ladies.

Suki: Not gonna lie, it's her name and the fans that have me associating her with Japan. I can see Suki getting into a bit of the harajuku culture.

Maybe not as kawaii as that but I think she'd have fun with that. In general I can picture Suki getting into the culture and learning about Japanese warriors and what have you.

Zuko: He strikes me as a Pompeii kinda dude. He's hot and explosive, and badass. You know what else is hot, explosive, and badass? Pompeii. Zuko strikes me as the sort of guy who would be interested in seeing the volcanoes and learning a bit about history with Iroh. Iroh, I feel like would be down to travel the whole world if he could, so he'd just tag along with Zuko.

Azula: Believe it or not I actually had a difficult time thinking of one for her. I considered Norway, Germany, and Korea as well. But I don't know if any of those really fit her. In the end I decided on Romania. It has this dark, mysterious, alluring sort of beauty and elegance to it. I can imagine Azula being fascinated with the history of places like the Bran castle. In general Azula and castles are just so right for each other, and Romania is full of them. The general atmosphere of Romanian cities (based on images I've seen) give off a more solemn air that I feel is right for Azula.

TyLee: I feel like TyLee is definitely a Paris type girl. It's very romantic and often associated with a gentle beauty, like TyLee. Plus it's got all of the high-fashion associations and lovely fragrances. Plus she's a social butterfly so a bigger city would be a good choice for her. And seeing as she is very bubbly and girly I can see her digging Paris.

Mai: London is the place for her. So often it is associated with gloom and rain. It's a very gothic place. And for that I think it mirrors Mai well. I can see her getting into a bit of the steampunk aesthetic that London could offer. Plus London has that heavy association with classiness.

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added by shadowsonlygirl
Source: everyone
added by shadowsonlygirl
Source: everyone
added by shadowsonlygirl
Source: everyone
added by shadowsonlygirl
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added by shadowsonlygirl
Source: everyone
added by shadowsonlygirl
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added by BB2010
added by Blossom_beautie
What I’m sure I can safely say that a hell of a lot of people have been waiting for for quite some time: the story of what happened to Ursa, a.k.a. Zuko’s Mum.


Dark Horse are wrapping up their three part graphic novel series “The Promise” set after the events of Avatar: The Last Airbender, and have announced that writer of The Promise: Gene Luen Yang and Girihiru Studios will be returning to work on another series of graphic novels; The Search.

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Source: tiffany88
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Avatar: The Last Airbender soundtrack - Hei Bai (Black and White Spirit ) | Kalimba cover (thumb piano) From the Book 1 (Water): chapter 7 (Winter Solstice, Part 1)
the last airbender
the last airbender
leaves from the vine
posted by warriorcats123
The sun blazed on the large open ground.

"Get to work u lazy earth bender!" yelled a firebender

"what I would do to be free!" thought chole
Then the avatar and his friend stumped in.

"can you please help us" he asked

"go you must hurry leave they will be coming!" yelled chole

"wh- "THE AVATAR GET HIM" yelled a firebender

The avatar looked at chole with sort of fear in his eyes. The avatar master of all four elements was scared? She could see why to she was a 4e she could master all four too, but only knew three since there are no more airbenders. The only problem chole had was her eyes where light...
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It’s doubtful that they have Saturday morning cartoons in the police-state future of “The Hunger Games” (in fact, they probably don’t even have Saturdays in the no-fun nation of Panem), but if they did, Katniss Everdeen would see a kindred spirit in “The Legend of Korra,” the ambitious new Nickelodeon series that premieres April 14.

Flinty, brave, loyal, impatient, impertinent, fierce and dangerous — Katniss and Korra have plenty in common and both live in a world that is close to our own but tilted by desperation and dark miracles of magic or science. If the pair attended the...
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This is an attempted drawing I made of Sydney
This is an attempted drawing I made of Sydney
Chapter four: Waking up in a hospital

After the fight, I don't remember much. I do remember being asleep. I was in the middle of a very weird dream.

In the dream, I was meditating in a red robe, and next to me was a man just like the man in the painting at Toph's house. It was Aang, meditating with me. A flying lemur/monkey thing jumped onto my shoulder and I woke from the meditation. Aang did as well. Aang spoke to me, saying to look into the forest which we were in. I saw millions of Asian people in robes. Some had blue arrows on their heads. Some wore fire nation clothing. Aang explained that...
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