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Avatar: The Last Airbender Question

I dont like the cast of upcoming movie The Last Airbender so wat do u think ? Do u like the cast ?

 Bnstinsley93 posted over a year ago
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Answers

dustfinger said:
I haven't seen the movie yet but based of the commercials, they look fine
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posted over a year ago 
i really wished that Idian people weren't the fire nation. They weren't that scary.
dustfinger posted over a year ago
ilovezuko23 posted over a year ago
okay then
dustfinger posted over a year ago
8sis said:
I don't because Zuko is not asian, he is almost pale and has a scar! And the kyoshi wariors were supposed 2 b in it but they cut them and they were gonna b asian! I mean its like all fire nation are asian and the best ppl from the earth kingdom are 2!
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posted over a year ago 
ilovezuko23 posted over a year ago
niki15ssf said:
I just saw the movie, the whole cast did not match the show at all. I'm wondering if the director actually watched the show?
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posted over a year ago 
i don't think he did
Niss12 posted over a year ago
i dont think so either
lolibarbie posted over a year ago
ilovezuko23 posted over a year ago
weaslyismyking said:
They look too serious. Also, Aang looks kinda chubby.
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posted over a year ago 
yeah... the kid who plays Aang looks weird, and idk how else to explain that.
FireByrd15 posted over a year ago
Yeah, he doesn't look or act like Aang at all
weaslyismyking posted over a year ago
ilovezuko23 posted over a year ago
tokyogirl0093 said:
The only problem I have with the movie is that Zuko's scar doesn't even look like a scar- it just looks pink- What's up with that??

I still plan to see the movie though (mostly out of curiousity).
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The only problem I have with the movie is that Zuko's scar doesn't even look like a scar- it just looks pink- What's up with that??

I still plan to see the movie though (mostly out of curiousity).
posted over a year ago 
Go ahead and see it. No shame in going
18wanda posted over a year ago
im definately gonna see it.
lolibarbie posted over a year ago
ilovezuko23 posted over a year ago
shieldmaiden said:
For the large part no. Sokka is being played by Jackson Rathbone who plays Jasper with the Snarfle Hair in the Twilight series. Plus the girl who plays Katare looks a little too young for the role. The kid who plays Aang looks decent, and I disagreed with the casting of all Fire Nation characters considering they all look Indian. Wtf?! Especially with Dev Patel as Zuko. I just found out via a tweet from Darren Criss that he auditioned for Zuko two years ago. He would have been a much better fit, even though he is not Asian. He looks quite similar to Zuko in his pre-afro days. I feel terrible that the film is horrible. Avatar never deserved to have its image tarnished by a terrible film adaptation.
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posted over a year ago 
I know right? now i feel bad.... i think we all wanted to remember Avatar in a good way, not with a sucky movie. And the girl who plays Katara DOES look too young.
FireByrd15 posted over a year ago
wow just looked up darren criss and wth were the fricken producers thinking chosing that arabian kid over him when he look way better and closer to zuko ohh im pissed knowing he could of played zuko instead >=|
Candystriper posted over a year ago
he would have been so much better!! also, all the characters were way too underdeveloped
italianroc129 posted over a year ago
ilovezuko23 posted over a year ago
18wanda said:
I enjoyed the movie although it did have some major problems. I just tried to have fun and not shoot down everything wrong I saw. I thought the Aang, Katara, and Sokka was okay although Katara could've had a braid.
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posted over a year ago 
yeah she couldve... but they probably didnt know how to make it! rofl! i dont wanna be a critic and not enjoy the movie.... but i guess if the crown fits, wear it.
FireByrd15 posted over a year ago
FireByrd15 said:
I think they look just fine, but in the end, i guess it doesn't matter how they look. Just how they act to make the movie better. :P
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I think they look just fine, but in the end, i guess it doesn't matter how they look. Just how they act to make the movie better. :P
posted over a year ago 
PoisonRose said:
The cast is my biggest problem with this movie.That constipated douche from twilight as Sokka?That makes no sense.Dev has enormous ears and looks too goofy to be a good Zuko.The kid playing Aang looks way too serious and a little scary.Aang is really not like that at all.
They tried too hard with Yue.Her eyes are way too blue and she has a horsey face.I just flat out dont like any of the casting choices.
And that M. Night Shamalamadingdong as the director.. >_<
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posted over a year ago 
the director didnt really choose the cast, the producers did btw =)
Candystriper posted over a year ago
just tired of seeing ppl blaming the director.......
Candystriper posted over a year ago
I was talking about him directing it,not casting it
PoisonRose posted over a year ago
Candystriper said:
Nope the only ones who really matched were Sokka, Aang, and Azula.
Zuko is arabian, was suppose to be asian or white, you can barely see his scare, he is too emotional in the movie, and barely shows his anger.
His father had to be arabian too, and he just doesnt seem like he could fit the part of being the fire lord.
Katara, she is also too quiet in this movie, and isnt all bossy and stuff like she is in the series.
The cut out the kyoshi warriors, which was just lame.
They messed up the fire bending way, saying how all the other elemets are limited so now fire benders need fire from like a tourch or something to be able to fire bend, when why?
air benders are unlimited,air is all around them, doesnt make sense really
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posted over a year ago 
torch* sorry i misspelled it x_x
Candystriper posted over a year ago
fire benders are unlimited too fire needs air to start so they could use it anytime too
Niss12 posted over a year ago
italianroc129 said:
Ya all of the characters were way underdeveloped. Also, they casted Aang over the internet. He sent them a DVD of his audition and they chose him. But I did like how they looked relatively like the characters on the show.
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
i dont see why everyone hates it, i thinkthe cast except for iroh is fine i liked the movie and most of the cast.
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i dont see why everyone hates it, i thinkthe cast except for iroh is fine i liked the movie and most of the cast.
posted over a year ago 
ilovezuko23 posted over a year ago
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