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Omnipresent in the native of this sign is “feeling.” Emotions run both deep and high in this sensitive – even touchy – character. Cancer/Dogs seem to carry a blinking sensor-beam radar system on their very skins. Everything affects them and affects them profoundly. A word, a glance or – God forbids – a harsh remark can dissolve these susceptible souls into a heap of nervous prostration in a wink. Cancer/Dogs are born to be artistic. Touched by the magic wand of aestheticism, these people need protection from the big bad world and its vicissitudes.

Yet, despite their hyperreceptivity to stimuli from the outside, Cancer/Dog people do get on in life. They secure jobs and have children and take care of business in a serious and competent manner. Cancer/Dogs get involved in complex and difficult schemes and are always attracted the most baroque of problems, which they set about solving with quiet grace.

Intricate circumstances, in all their complexity and labyrinthine turns, do not daunt this patient, serious character one bit. Cancer/Dogs are the people who burn midnight oil, smoke too many cigarettes and worry through dense thickets of ideas and plans till they sort out of a brilliant solution. Even the least of Cancer/Dogs will be drawn to improving on life’s scenery. Dogs born in Cancer love to garden and redecorate and plan buildings and books and paintings and musical compositions. Creativity is their middle name.

And worry is their main hobby. Cancerian Dogs fret over any and everything that comes along. They panic and grow anxious at the least missed appointment or deadline. They agonize over the exhibition of their works and stay awake nights gnawing at themselves over whether or not the woman in the department store who sold them the paint brushes was lying when she said the brushes were real sable. Cancer/Dogs fret over what seem, to less testy creatures, minor and petty detail. For a Cancer/Dog the air he breathes is rife with menace. He’s careful about absolutely every part of his existence. But not matter how cautious and picayune he tries to be, life has ways of surprising him.

As a result of his overly wary attitude, the Cancer/Dog sometimes gives us the impression of being painted into his own corner. He seems to be afraid of his shadow. Is he a little paranoid? To tell you the truth, I think he is. The average Cancer/Dog person has one finger on the panic button at all times – and it shows.

Being on the qui vive all the time does not, however, stop this person from being entirely reasonable and enormously just in his dealings with others. If he believes in someone he will go to the limits of his ability to bring succour to them. His capacity for empathy is enormous and his sixth sense about what is right and meet in any given situation is always accurate.

The Cancer/Dog is a giver, too. He’s generous and kindly and because he wants very much for others to measure up to the heights of self-sacrifice of which he himself is capable, he is adorably encouraging to the people he loves. Patient and gentle and good, the Cancer/Dog makes an ideal partner. If he is involved with others, whether in business (which is rare) or in some artistic project (more common), he is never after the fame of the glory a successful end result might bring. Cancer/Dogs merely want to get on with making something wonderful happen. They are anything but egomaniacal, but because they place beauty so high on their list of priorities, sometimes their goals may seem selfish or demanding.

Fact is, Dogs born in Cancer are not really of this world. Left to their own devices, they would probably manage very well to set themselves comfortably up in a cave somewhere, get themselves some books and papers and invite along some pets to love them – and maybe a mate to admire – and keep themselves busy till the cows come home with many useful and beautiful pursuits.


The special province of Cancer/Dog people is their uncanny ability to love others. Although harmony won’t necessarily invest their every affair, you can be sure that the Cancer/Dog half of any couple is the one who is making the most real effort to keep things on an even keel. A snappish person, the Cancer/Dog is often on edge and seems cranky when he’s really just insecure about something. His need for true affection and tenderness is imperative to his very physical health.

Moreover, the Cancer/Dog cannot live well without loving. He must have an object for his bottomless well of emotion. Without somebody to shower with indulgence and admiration, the Cancer/Dog will be tempted to give up, lie down and die. He must be loyal and faithful to another soul and he desperately needs to feel awful if he dares betray said lover. Cancer/Dogs thrive on the play between themselves and others in love relationships. Without it, they skulk about looking shipped and sorrowful.

If you love a Cancerian Dog person, you must arm yourself with patience. There will be two big problems involved in maintaining a loving rapport. On the one hand, your Cancer/Dog sweetheart will seem thoroughly unavailable at times and reluctant to step down from his creativity cloud. And on the other, this lovable bundle of feelings will seem to cling to you until you choke. With Cancer/Dogs it’s all or nothing.

(apply to all human beings evolving around you – whatever the link)

You will get along with Taurus, Virgo and Pisces of Cat years (born between Jan. 1987 and Feb. 1988 & Feb. 1999 and Feb. 2000). Taurus, Scorpio and Virgo of Tiger years (born between Feb. 1986 and Jan. 1987 & Jan. 1998 and Feb. 1999) are just your cup of tea as well. And you faint for admiring Taureans born in Rat years (born between Feb. 1984 to Feb. 1985 & Feb. 1996 and Feb. 1997). Aries, Libra and/or Capricorn of Dragon years (born between Feb. 1988 and Feb. 1989) and Goat years (born between Feb. 1991 and Feb. 1992 & Feb. 2003 and Feb. 2004) unnerve you. As for Aries of the Pig years (born between Feb. 1983 and Feb. 1984 & Jan. 1995 and Feb. 1996) – forget it! They seem sunnier than they really are.


Of course, this beauty-loving person will invariably abide in loveliness. Surroundings are essential to the Cancer anyway. Cancers of all persuasions need to make homes and are born with the nesting instinct. This particular Cancer subject, whose dogged pursuit of the aesthetic knows no frontiers, will automatically want to evolve in a safe and secure – as well as beautiful and well-designed – ambience.

The Cancer/Dog’s family is everything to him. But, as I said earlier, sometimes he seems absent or distant from his natural emotional ties. The truth is, no matter what the Cancer/Dog is preoccupied by, he’s always most at ease and feels best in his skin when there are family members about. He may be writing the greatest novel of all time or painting a masterpiece in his hermetically sealed studio, but Cancer/Dog is listening for the friendly noises of family life below stairs. The smells and sounds of everyday existence keep the Cancer/Dog’s feet on the ground. As a parent he is dutiful and kindly.

As a child this person may seem brittle and emotionally fragile. All brands of loving attention are in order. He doesn’t require applause so much as he does tenderness, direction and sincerity from parents and siblings. The Cancer/Dog child needs to be understood and his creative side seeks indulgence. Lessons of all sorts, encouragement, slow patient teaching and plenty of hand-knit afghans to curl up on front of the fire with will ensure the stable future of this gentle talent.


The life’s work of Cancer/Dogs is cut out for them at birth. Learning how to apply sensitivity and creative talents to life in a modern world is as large a chunk as anyone can be expected to bite off. Directing and molding talent into workable forms will take a lot of this person’s time and energy. He can be expected to work in a bank or to take orders in a hamburger joint, but he will not be fulfilled by such impersonal work. Embellishing life is what he does best.

Were I to hire a Cancer/Dog, I would never worry that he’d be late for work or forget to add up a column of figures. Cancer/Dogs know the value of money and are careful to maintain their accounts and keep their debts to a minimum. They make excellent workers in areas where their creativity is challenged, and can even be bosses – and good ones – provided the area in which they’re called upon to exert authority is a pretty one. They can direct operations on a building site, as long as the building is the Louvre. We already know that Cancer/Dogs make excellent artists of all varieties. They can also try dealing in antiques or selling paintings or even agenting or owning an art gallery. Cancer/Dogs make good commercial artists too and decoration is one of their obvious career field specialties.


Claude Debussy (French music composer - August 22, 1862 / March 25, 1918)
Marcel Proust (French novelist, critic and essayist – July 10, 1871 / November 18, 1922)
Donald Sutherland (Canadian character actor - 7 July 1935)
Sylvester Stallone (American actor, filmmaker, screenwriter, and film director - July 6, 1946)


V♥ September 6th, 2010
added by Aca222
added by BlackSunshine
added by BlackSunshine
added by sapherequeen
added by Schnusch
added by irena83
added by sapherequeen
posted by BlackSunshine
ARIES-All shades of red!

TAURUS-All shades of blue; deep green

GEMINI-Yellow, light green(:

CANCER-Pale colors, cream, white

LEO-Golden hues

VIRGO-Silver, indigo, dark violet

LIBRA-Primary colors, shocking pink, night blue

SCORPIO-Black, blood red, charcoal gray

SAGITTARIUS-Denim blue, beige, bronze

CAPRICORN-All shades of brown, orange(=

AQUARIUS-Electric blue, silver gray, florescent colors

PISCES-Mauve, purple, aquamarine

added by BlackSunshine
added by sapherequeen
added by sapherequeen
The Zodiac Structure and Sign Groupings. If you're starting out in astrology draw zodiac wheels, and the geometric groupings by hand, and often. Enjoy doing it; appreciate the beautiful patterns and symmetry.
added by irena83
added by sapherequeen
added by sapherequeen
added by sapherequeen
added by sapherequeen
added by sapherequeen
added by irena83