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All the Dog’s respectability, heroism and undying constancy shot through with Leo loyalty, nobility and philanthropy find us confronted here with the most frankly earnest person ever born. So indulgent is this character with those he loves that if one of his friends committed a cold-blooded act of horror before his very eyes, the Leo/Dog would deny he saw it. He would find an excuse for the person. He would bake cake upon cake with files inside. He’d spring for the bail, the fines, the lawyers. And when finally, through his devoted efforts, his friend the criminal is set free again, Leo/Dog will find him a vacation spot, encourage his friend to invite whom he wants along and pick up the tab for that, too. Leo/Dogs are incorrigibly caring.

For the above reasons, no matter what happens to these people, they are rarely really disappointed. They see life from the beginning as a king of natural hell on earth crawling with injustices and wrongdoings of all sorts, which they are bound to bark at and try to chase away. Let’s face it, Leo/Dogs are pessimistic. But their pessimism doesn’t destroy their enormous capacity for belief. In certain other Dog people there is a tendency to crawl under the chair and stay there till life is finished, cowering and growling when anything threatens to beckon them emerge. But not the Leo/Dog. Leo/Dogs seem to be able to take enormous punishment from the vagaries of their lives and still come up smiling, scrapping and facing up to responsibility, perched jauntily on their chairs wearing an expression of utter candour and warmth.

I know some Leo/Dog people. All of them have been married many times. The gentlemen of this persuasion I have met can be, without qualification, called ladies’ men. Ditto the female Leo/Dogs. Five and six marriages! Affairs that would make a Hollywood star look like a nun. Real hot numbers are these Leo/Dog people. They like sex. But even more important they love passion. They need excitement, and to them romantic involvement is synonymous with excitement. And naughtiness adds spice to their kicks.

The Leo/Dog is noted for his ability to work long and hard at many different and difficult pursuits. No Leo/Dog ever imagined that success comes easily and that he ought to have been promoted over somebody less capable. He makes it his business to advance through his life with rigor and pep. Leo/Dogs are not dreamers. They are doers.

Leo/Dogs are notoriously slow, too. They hate to hurry, and prefer to find themselves in situations where one is encouraged to take one’s time. They are deliberate and careful. They don’t want to be achievers just for the sake of achieving. If they get someplace in life, Leo/Dogs want that place to have been earned by the eager sweat of their brows. They have respect for planning and can sometimes be accused of ponderousness.

Leo/Dogs are on their guard much of the time, and they can be very feisty. There is a definite tendency here to pick fights. The Leo/Dog cannot leave details alone. He notices the fact that you said last week you’d be buying chicken, and then you came home with a turkey. And Leo/Dog disapproval is enough to make anyone feel like a criminal. But rest assured, it doesn’t last long. As quickly as the desire to rip at you arises, it retreats. A mere smile will melt the Leo/Dog’s kind heart and if you actually weep or even snivel while he’s growling at you, he’ll take you out to dinner to make up for it.

As the Leo/Dog performs many good deeds, he is particularly sensitive to receiving favors. Do a Leo/Dog a service of any kind, lend him money, give him a key chain – anything – and he will be sure to return your gesture. But he is also showing you how he feels the world ought to be. He is stating his policy by setting an example. It’s a terribly nice subtle method trying to set the world right. But, of course, it doesn’t really work.

Leo/Dogs, unlike most Leos, are modest to a fault. They don’t want applause and they don’t care about remuneration. They don’t need anything but love and respect from other people. And even if they don’t get either, they remain steadfastly loyal, faire and tolerant.

A sentimental type, the Leo/Dog cannot be swayed from his affections by reasons or logic. He feels things strongly and is not afraid to turn his emotions into actions. He’s pleasantly naughty and a terrific friend.


As I’ve already pointed out, the Dog born Leo is a lover of love. This person will not feel the need to be physically faithful to a mate. But his moral and spiritual connection will be above reproach. This person would defend the best interests of her husband if he were an axe murderer, child molester and wife beater. She believed in him once and she will go on believing in him always.

Even when Leo/Dogs have various subsequent mates and affairs, they remain loyal in spirit to their former loves. They never interrupt friendships willingly. Once they care, they care irremediably and forever, without reserve.

In order to love a Leo/Dog properly, you must understand the testy pride with which you are dealing. Leo/Dogs are ostensibly modest people. They never prance (unless they’re drunk) much. But inside their noble stalwart hearts lives a tiny shrinking violet on an enormous ego trip. The Leo/Dog doesn’t often let the violet show. Nor do we much notice he even has an ego. But you, the lover or mistress or wife or husband of this monster of modesty, you must learn to know the violet and how to care for its fragile petals. You must learn how to stroke the ego just right so that hardly anybody notices. Then, you’ll be the favorite pet of the Leo/Dog forever.

(apply to all human beings evolving around you – whatever the link)

You suffer from testiness and occasional disquiet (not to mention paranoia). Stay close to Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn people born in Cat years (born between Jan. 1987 and Feb. 1988 & Feb. 1999 and Feb. 2000) or Tiger years (born between Feb. 1986 and Jan. 1987 & Jan. 1998 and Feb. 1999). Gemini born in Horses years (born between Jan. 1990 and Feb. 1991 & Jan. 2002 and Feb. 2003) are nice for you, too. You’ll be less satisfied with a Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius born in Dragon years (born between Feb. 1988 and Feb. 1989) or Goat (born between Feb. 1991 and Jan. 1992 & Feb. 2003 and Jan. 2004). You don’t need to be reminded that the world is a terrible place full of woes and perils. You just want to live with some pleasant, cheerful soul who boosts morale and provides sufficient applause.


Don’t go looking for luxury at the Leo/Dog’s house. To this person a house in only a place to live. Usually, the Leo/Dog’s house looks used and comfortable. The books might be strewn around a little and the dishes left unwashed for a few hours. But basically the Leo/Dog likes order. Underneath the slight mess will rule a definite statement of neatness. Opulence is of little importance to the Leo/Dog.

The Leo/Dog is a marvellous family member. As a responsible person, he can be counted on to go fetch the kids at the movies and pick up sister’s little friends at the skating rink. He’s a good fellow about parties too, and enjoys entertaining and being entertained. But be forewarned: Leo/Dogs aren’t very funny. Don’t encourage them to tell jokes. And they worry. Constantly and earnestly and without restraint. Encourage the Leo/Dog in all areas that require responsibility. Don’t hesitate to ask him to get up with the baby at three in the morning. He won’t mind and eventually may even make a religion of it. Don’t be afraid to ask him for money either. Leo/Dogs are generous people (I didn’t say spendthrift).

The Leo/Dog child may seem sullen and withdrawn to you at first. His reserve is simply his way of checking you out and casing the joint before joining the fun and participating in real life. He needs lots of real down-home affection and jollying up. He also needs to be taught not to sulk. He will be a bright but pokey child. Don’t try to hurry him. He likes to linger over his food, his math, his toys. He’s careful, remember?


Leo/Dogs are talented in all sorts on intricate work that requires analysis and logic, pondering and planning. They are capable of working alone and survive very well in jobs where no human interaction is necessary. They are serious workers and will always try to do a job properly if they do it at all.

As a boss, the Leo/Dog will be fair and put up with many shenanagins from his employees. Actually, now that I think of it, one doesn’t see many of these people in regular day-to-day boss positions. They either get somewhere in their lives on their own seam and at their own speed, or else they remain in the ranks. Often they hold important positions in those ranks. But Leo/Dogs are not on any power trips and they don’t really policing others. So expect them to be either pillars or invisible within office situations. Otherwise, outside the normal routine or working for others, Leo/Dogs can excel at personal causes, be political or sociological innovators and even shine in show business or in literary or artistic work. They make good loners.

Engineering and science are natural fields for Leo/Dogs. They may also choose to pursue other careers where their humanitarian talents will be put to good use. Otherwise, I advise solo jobs of all sorts that don’t put too much pressure on the Leo/Dog to adhere to strict rules he may deem stupid and unnecessary.


Norman Lear (American television writer and producer who produced such 1970s sitcoms as All in the Family, Sanford and Son - born July 27, 1922)
Alain Robbe-Grillet (French writer and filmmaker - August 18, 1922 / February 18, 2008)

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Source: Giorgio Baroni
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Source: Giorgio Baroni
added by LeoRising
A humble offering to astro-pilgrims.
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Source: Giorgio Baroni
added by sapherequeen
added by rosemina
Source: Giorgio Baroni
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added by BlackSunshine
added by LeoRising
added by BlackSunshine
Some say the most important individual fact about people is their Ascendant Sign. It is said to be the mask that one wears in public. It is the first impression we make when we meet new people. Often, if you are confused at how others have described you, it is because they are describing this aspect of your personality. The Ascendant takes part in your appearance and personality, going as far as influencing physical characteristics sometimes. The Sign becomes expressed in your image, style and mannerisms. It is also expressed in how you act. Some astrologists theorize that the Sign becomes...
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Source: A person named Rachel, all I can remember :/
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Your parents together

Aries & Aries

Who's the boss?

With two Aries sharing the job of parenthood, your family life will be anything but dull! Equally energetic, your biggest challenges as parents will be to coordinate your efforts to cover all areas and to share the leadership that comes naturally to both of you. By taking turns or dividing duties, you'll overcome the temptation to compete with each other. And by mixing it up this way, you won't get bored.

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