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posted by ashesandwine
I do not feel pitty or sorrow... You are with me and that's all that I could ask for!
Thank you for keeping me happy and for loving me everyday!

Where were they taking me? What would I face when I got there?
I knew they weren't good, I've known that since I had seen their black wings. I couldn't say that I knew that much about angels, or even believe in them; but I was sure about one think: good angels had white wings! A symbol of their purity, the piece they brought to the world and all the good in them...
But this angels had black wings! Beautiful wings that matched perfectly their faces and bodies, but still dark ones. Black as the darkness of night, the fear and the hate of this world...
I looked up at the face of the one who was holding my arm. He had dark blue eyes, almost black but they burned with hate. He's face was beautiful but now that I analyzed it better I could see that he looked like he was in constant pain. I turned my eyes to gaze at the other one: he looked as beautiful as the first, he had the same expressions of constant pain and his eyes were the exact same dark blue, I wasn't sure what to think about this!
I couldn't stand to look at these people anymore, so I looked down! I saw the city passing down there and I felt free. I was in the arms of a dark angel, without knowing what would become of me and still I felt free...
I could hear their wings beating while we were flying. Suddenly, I started to hear more then the wings of those two men! Looking up I saw that ten other dark angels were joining our little group...
"Welcome, Dionisis! I thought you had forgotten us" I heard the one holding me say. He's voice was hard and I could see that he didn't like this man.
"Ohhhh I could why, Stelios?! Even if I wanted too, He wouldn't let me!" The one that I assumed was, Dionisis, started to laugh but Stelios didn't join him! His face became harder, as if he wanted to respond but controled himself.
"We fly home, people! Follow us!" A woman's voice shouted to the others. I looked to where I would find her and was surprised with a amazing woman, one of those that belonged to a fashion magazine or even Heaven, if that existed...
"No need to shout, Pinelopi! You know they can hear you perfectly..." Dionisis said with a sweet melodic voice, I could hear the amusement in his voice.
"I know! But I like respect, and fear leads to that." I knew, right then, that I wouldn't want to get in her path. She was what I would call a vengeful angel, beautiful but dangerous.
Stelios and Dionisis started to laugh and Pinelopi followed! They had the most melodic laughter that I had ever heard! I knew that they weren't good, but this sounded like the laughter of the angels of paradise.
Their laughter was interrupted by a shout in the back of our group. Whoever or whatever had screamed like that must have been in a great ammount of pain or close to death, and that scared me more than when I had seen Stelios and the other man standing on my door! Stelios turned hsi body to see what was happening and that was when I saw them...
They must have been ten or fifteen, the most beautiful people I had ever seen! They radiated light as they flew, sending the most peaceful feeling that I had ever experienced in my life. These were the angels that I had heard of, beautiful criatures from Heaven, that illuminated everything around them with divine light...

"We have to go, love! If all goes well we'll be back to you soon, but whatever happens know that you mother and your father love you... Forever!" I was just a kid back then, not more then 4 years old... I looked up at my mother as she kissed my forehead, my father came next and kiss me as well!
The last time I saw them was on that day. They said goodbye, opened their wings and took off flying...

Why was I remembering this now? I never thought that of that before, I didn't remember that! Did I block it from my mind when the police came to tell my grandparents that my parents had died? Was I hurting that much that I had forgotten about what my parents were?
I was lost in thoughts when I saw them coming towards us flying to fast that the last thing I saw was the impact of a white army against a black one...
added by ashesandwine
added by halloula
Source: poster
added by ashesandwine
Source: me:D
added by ashesandwine
added by 0hjess
Source: Tyler Shields
added by ashesandwine
Source: thanks to mcs50
added by ashesandwine
added by ashesandwine
added by ashesandwine
Source: thanks to mcs50
added by Cas_Cat_2
Source: Me (Catia)
added by ashesandwine
posted by ashesandwine
I do not feel pitty or sorrow... You are with me and that's all that I could ask for!
Thank you for keeping me happy and for loving me everyday!

Where were they taking me? What would I face when I got there?
I knew they weren't good, I've known that since I had seen their black wings. I couldn't say that I knew that much about angels, or even believe in them; but I was sure about one think: good angels had white wings! A symbol of their purity, the piece they brought to the world and all the good in them...
But this angels had black wings! Beautiful wings that matched perfectly their faces and...
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posted by ashesandwine
A new one for just_bella, katie and zizou!

“Jasper’s POV”

“We have a problem Seth! We are going to fight newborns again!” I said. And it really was a big problem! A huge one! We had a army of newborns with a crazy vampire leading them on our backs!
“You got in trouble again, Bella?” Seth said between laughs.
“No, Seth! This time it was me!” Alice said as Seth looked at her astonished, just like I felt!
“What happened? Should I call the others?” He asked.
“I think you should, we’ll explain when they get here!” Carlisle said.
“Ok… On my way!” Seth got out and went...
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posted by ashesandwine
A new one:) Hope you guys like it:) Not that exciting but they can't all be:P Thank you everyone! Just for you j_b:P

“Alice’s POV”

What had I done? I had put my whole family in danger! How stupid could I be?
They were all staring at me and I could see if they were angry or disappointed…
“Why would you do that, love?” I heard Jasper ask… I could tell in his voice that he wasn’t happy, I just wished that he would forgive me!
“She wanted you back. And I…I…I can’t lose you again! I can’t, please forgive me…” I started sobbing and I fell to the ground! I felt someone’s...
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posted by ashesandwine
This one is for Just_bella:) Thank you, for everything! Always:) And for Edward-lover456, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, hon:) LOVE YOU

“Jasper’s POV”

I couldn’t believe that she was finally in my arms. I could feel her, every single part of her! I laid my hand in her back and pulled her closer to me, so I could smell her sweet fragrance, touch her warm skin, and feel her lips under mine!
She kissed me and I kissed her back! I missed her so much and I knew that she felt the same because as she kissed me I could feel all of her emotions passing through me. They were so many: love, sadness and happiness....
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posted by ashesandwine
I'm sooooo sorry! I'm having a bit of writers block with Forbidden Love! I'll try to write more as soon as I can and hopefully I won't block! I thank you all for your patience and for being sooooo suportive! All my love! This one is for Just_bella, I know it's not much but I hope it helps you hang on until you have what you want and need:)

“Alice’s POV”

I was doing my best to get there in time… I had another vision where Jasper, thirsty, was locked in a room with ten human kids! My poor Jasper, I knew that he wouldn’t do anything, but he had spent so many years feeding of humans that...
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posted by ashesandwine
I promise I'll try to write a Forbidden Love tomorrow! I just had a really long day and it's 12.42am here! I'm doing my best to write and I know I should have wrote this week but please forgive me, because I was supposed to have 2 oral presentations, although I only had one:S LOL... This one goes to my love Zizou and to one of my other loves Just_bella! I hope this makes you feel better! And that you get what you want, hon! Because you deserve it:)

“Jasper’s POV”

I stayed in the floor of the cell. I don’t know how long but I knew that something bad was reserved to me… Maria, by now,...
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posted by ashesandwine
This one goes to zizou and j_b! For everything! And everytime! Love you:D

“Alice’s POV”

I turned around afraid of who I would see… A black haired man stood in front of me waiting for my answer.
“I’m sorry. I was told that some friends of mine came here, but I’m not sure if they’re still here! I was wondering if you could help me.” I tried to be as pleasant as I could. This man was a vampire but that didn’t meant he couldn’t be charmed…
“Well, lots of vampires stop by here… If you describe your friends maybe I can help!” I could see that it was working, so I did my...
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posted by ashesandwine
Another one:D YAY...It's been a while since I write so much in one weekend! How I missed it:D LOL... Here you have it people! A huge thanks to everyone! And to you just_bella, today we were both happy....YAY for us:)

“Jasper’s POV”

My mouth fell open as I watched the hiding place… I had to admit that although it was majestic, no one would ever think of looking for an army of newborns there. It reminded me of a vacation house for dukes in a time when a house spoke more that the inhabitants… I could only see two lights in the house, but as soon as we parked another one light up.
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posted by ashesandwine
I know, I know! Long time no write :P But finally I had a break on my tests (next round starts in two weeks:P) and now a new chapter is writen! I knwo it's not the best but it's been a while and I have to get into the story again:S So, I promise the next one will be better and bigger! So this one is to Just_bella and to my love Zizou:)

“Alice’s POV”

I kept searching… For his future, for my future, for OUR future! But it was all black, I felt like everything I was, had gone away! Jasper, my visions! What mattered the most to me was leaving, in a matter of time I would be all alone in...
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