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posted by ashesandwine
I don't know what will come out of this... I don't know if it will be continued! This is just an experience:P I seriously don't know what will come out of this:S LOL!! It's weird for me because normally I have an idea of what I'm writing:P LOL!!! OK... so: tell me what you think! And if I'll keep it up, I promise it will get better!

"I love you..." Was the last thing I heard from him, as the blade went through his throat in one gracious move. That was it... All that I had ever fought for, all that I knew and loved, lost in one single move! I was lost in the darkness, trap in the sorrow and blood...
"I'm sorry..." Was the last thing I said to him, as I waited for death to come with her sweet embrace! But it never came... I waited and waited with my eyes closed, I was too afraid to open them! Death didn't come and I blamed myself for letting her take him and not me...
I opened my eyes, fearing what I might see, angry with myself for being so afraid... But when I opened my eyes I saw nothing, not a person, not a soul, nothing... Just me and him in a dark alley!
I started to think what I should do... Should I go to the police? But if I did, what would I say? That I had just saw three men with black wings kill the man I loved? That they had disappeared as fast as they had appear?
As I was considering what to do a flash of light started to surround his body! Two white wings started to grow of his back!
I felt like I was dreaming, I felt like I was in paradise...
He started to rise in the air... That peaceful light still surrounding him and then, suddenly, it disappeared! The body of the man I loved, the light and the angel that I had just saw...
added by -lostgirl-
added by -lostgirl-
added by -lostgirl-
added by -lostgirl-
posted by ashesandwine
It's been a while for this story, but it's here:) I love this story very much! It's my little baby:P eheh! And thank you for liking it too! If you ever see something that you don't like just comment and I'll do my best to fix it, don't be afraid to give bad critics, I don't mind:)

“Catherine’s POV”

Forgive me, for I have sinned! Forgive me, for I looked in his eyes and died!

“Catherine? Francisca is on the phone! And hurry, you need to go to school…” I was not looking forward for this day. Just the thought of having to go to school, that place where I knew he would be, made me shiver....
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added by ashesandwine
Source: ashesandwine
posted by ashesandwine
Only wrote this during my first week of vacations, sorry:( But this is a big one:) To my very weird and amazing family

I had lost it all in just one year... Since I was seven that I knew how it was like to grow up without your family! I had lost my parents in the day that I turned seven and a year later, the only person that I still had died too. My grandmother never told me what had happened to my parents... All I could remember from my birthday was my grandmother coming to me and saying that the police had come and said that my parents were dead! I never asked more, part of me didn't believe...
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added by edward-lover456
Source: edward-lover456
added by edward-lover456
Source: edward-lover456
added by edward-lover456
Source: edward-lover456
added by edward-lover456
Source: edward-lover456
posted by ashesandwine
Ok, guys! Last story for tonight! Hopefully something good will come out of this:P
Thank you all and have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing New year:)

"Ohhh I'm sorry. I thought something had happened to you!" As we turned to face the person that had just come in the room, I saw the most beautiful girl that I had ever seen... She had grey eyes just like Agelos, that carried as much passion as his. She had brown hair with some blond reflections and her face was covered with freckles. In any other person those many freckles would have made her look horrible but in this girl they just helped...
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Amazing song!
posted by ashesandwine
Two done... One to go:P eheh! So... I'll try to write something tomorrow, but can't promise! I'll take the computer to my other house and even if I can't post the chapters I'll still try to write them:)

“Alice’s POV”

“Ok… On my way!” Seth got out and went into the forest to talk to the other wolves! I felt Jasper letting go of me as he got up, I reach out for him, he gave me a quick kiss and headed outside. I got up in time to see him running to the little river that ran close to our house, when he reached it he sat in a rock close to it!
I was about to go after him when I felt a...
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posted by ashesandwine
Ok, here it is:) You made me a character I made you a chapter:D eheh
Thanks everyone and I'm sorry I only wrote this during the weekend! Sorry guys, but it was a busy week and weekend:S

Sitting in our room, I was trying to think of a way! I just needed to find a way that this wouldn’t be the end… The end of my family, my end, Alice’s end.
But I knew Maria, and I knew that she wouldn’t give up, not that easily.
I heard a knock on the door and with one move I turned my head and got up.
“Who is it?” I asked. I honestly didn’t want to talk to anyone now. They were all domed and it was...
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added by Cas_Cat_2
Source: Me (Catia)
added by Cas_Cat_2
Source: Me (Catia)
added by ashesandwine
Source: ashesandwine
posted by ashesandwine
I do not feel pitty or sorrow... You are with me and that's all that I could ask for!
Thank you for keeping me happy and for loving me everyday!

Where were they taking me? What would I face when I got there?
I knew they weren't good, I've known that since I had seen their black wings. I couldn't say that I knew that much about angels, or even believe in them; but I was sure about one think: good angels had white wings! A symbol of their purity, the piece they brought to the world and all the good in them...
But this angels had black wings! Beautiful wings that matched perfectly their faces and...
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posted by ashesandwine
A new one for just_bella, katie and zizou!

“Jasper’s POV”

“We have a problem Seth! We are going to fight newborns again!” I said. And it really was a big problem! A huge one! We had a army of newborns with a crazy vampire leading them on our backs!
“You got in trouble again, Bella?” Seth said between laughs.
“No, Seth! This time it was me!” Alice said as Seth looked at her astonished, just like I felt!
“What happened? Should I call the others?” He asked.
“I think you should, we’ll explain when they get here!” Carlisle said.
“Ok… On my way!” Seth got out and went...
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