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First Look at Merlin Series 5



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See what you think. I was disappointed. Merthurs will be thrilled.
posted over a year ago.
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EPaws said:
LOL! Did you read the title:

Say it with me, Arthur's Bone. LOLOLOL....why don't we just add 'er' to that. Seriously this was a well crafted little piece designed to make every subsection of the fandom feel they are it, all the shippers walked away with a piece of the pie to their mind and to top it off, there are the King and Queen of Camelot on top. Oh yes, well baited was this article and I laughed a lot. Cause I think they are loading the deck again the way they gave false security with a subset as the OTP beautifully walked off with the vast majority of the relevant episodes. Nicely played guys. Nicely played but then I am jaded and recognizing the game when I see it. Yes, this should really be called:

The Coming of Arthur Part 3....hehehehe
posted over a year ago.
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I hope you're right and it's not as bad as it sounds. I got really turned off with the talk about the high sexual tension between A & M. We've had enough trouble fighting with the fans who say they see so much of it and now somebody on the outside is getting us set up for it. And the guys will be off somewhere which makes me think no Arwen scene in the first episode. This article Did not sit well with me so I hope I catch on to your optimism, Stacey.

Personally, I don't like all the pandering towards that one group myself. I'm just being honest.
posted over a year ago.
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lailastar said:
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!, I dont like the sound of this, I felt such a let down when I read this, NOT ANOTHER SEASON OF ARTHUR AND MERLINS BROMANCE!!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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EPaws said:
Did you notice the title probably intentionally got wrong? It really should read Arthur's Bane. Dudes, this is British Tabloid mentality. I know you are not use to it,but salacious sells. When you have watched the episode in question, you come back and tell me what you see. Grain of salt.
posted over a year ago.
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Ok, Stace. Keep trying to calm us down, because I need it. I'm still in a state. What in the world is the episode about anyway?

I'm telling you it better not be all about appeasing certain people because I really have had it with that. I was hoping being more mature means what the words says, not what I'm getting from this.
I really don't like it that the show is classified the way it is with its undertones.

I hope you're right, is all I can say.

posted over a year ago.
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2Sam11 said:
I`m not going to lie, really dissapointed. Even if the reviewer was clearly biased, the first episode(s) will be Merthur adventures and Guinevere alone in Camelot. I`m not a fan of this storyline. We will see how this works out. I was actually hoping for more Arwen screentime, but this topic is from the table. Well, well... otherwise we should`t say that before the season even started. Soooo yeah, not sure what to say, since i`m not sure what of this review is imagination and reality.
posted over a year ago.
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I just saw this on my phone and had to hop over here immediately. "Arthur's Bone," indeed. It's "Arthur's BANE," clearly. I distinctly remember hearing it referenced in the SDCC trailer.

Sweet Jesus, these people. *heavy sigh* *shakes head* *walks away* *REALLY lamenting the lack of an eye-rolling emoticon*
posted over a year ago.
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EPaws said:
People get some perspective, quickly. One, I can tell you this male's proclivities right now. Nothing wrong with that, just sayin...two, do you remember what they said about last years you remember how they turned out? Wny such short memories ladies? Why the instant reactivity? I will bet you a hundred pounds that when you see the scenes referred to, your response will be WTF is going on here. I do believe we have Winter in Camelot for the first episode, I do believe the gents are out and about and I have no issue with this. Stop being reactive. I don't know. Maybe I have a different nature than most, but there is no reason to go apeshit on hearsay. AGAIN...I'll be back.
posted over a year ago.
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Hey, no apeshit-like goings-on on my part...
posted over a year ago.
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lailastar said:
I was so angry and disappointed when I read this I had to move away from my laptop and breathe. Glad I came back because you guys have made me feel much better. The whole article to me was a slur on Gwen, that while she is playing queen, Arthur would rather be rolling around the forest floor with Merlin, therefore him making her queen is of no importance. This is the impression the article is trying to convey to the viewers.
posted over a year ago.
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lailastar said:
You know why we went apeshit because we remember last season with Arthur on the floor with is pants down and Merlin on him. I felt embarrassed for Arthur, all this in the middle of a council meeting. We had enough of this silliness.
posted over a year ago.
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yawdy37 said:
I wholeheartedly agree with EPaws. The writer who wrote this crappy review knew exactly what he wants to get across. Even if Gwen is at home and Arthur and Merlin is away the "gay" subtext that he refers to is what he watches the show to see. People see what they want to see and obviously that's what he wants to see. I'll wait to see what I want to see.
posted over a year ago.
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See, the thing is that Arwen has never had a lot of screentime in any of the first episodes of this show so I was kind of expecting this. My standards for Arwen scenes in the first episodes of Merlin are so low that I'll be happy with just one scene. And that article was very much queerbaitiing but as long as they don't do a repeat of those cringeworthy Arthur's pants down scenes in S4, I won't mind.
posted over a year ago.
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arwentko1 said:
So this person is privy to see the first epi of the series or is he just going by some promo stuff that's been shown already? And yes this is a serious question. Sounds to me like it's his wishes.
posted over a year ago.
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Lucerne28 said:
I hope you are right Epaws. On my phone as I read this, and I must say not happy at all. I fervently hope that the author of the piece is a merther supporter and thus his slant to things. This coupled with show runners appearing to be hinting in a piece I read on line, that the fall of Camelot and the death of Arthur is the end game is causing me to fear S5. Serenity now, serenity now, she repeats, as she tries to get to a happy place. Sigh.
posted over a year ago.
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@arwentko1: They had a screening of the first episode of S5 so the author went and saw it and did the review from that.
posted over a year ago.
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arwentko1 said:
Ok thanks Bonne-Bell. But I will agree with you on the first episodes Arwen do not have a lot of scenes together. I'll just wait and see.
posted over a year ago.
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Lucerne28 said:
Arwentko1, per twitter, there was a press screening of Series 5, episode 1 on 9/20/12.
posted over a year ago.
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arwentko1 said:
Thanks Lucerne28.
posted over a year ago.
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Lucerne28 said:
That scene in S4 episode with Arthur, friggin king of Camelot on the ground, pants down in the middle of a meeting with advisors, wrestling with his servant was cringe worthy. I was embarrassed for Arthur. I really hope we do not get a repeat of anything near that in S5. By the way, read on twitter Angel was the only cast member at the screening, everyone else was still filming in Wales.

Any idea how much more filming they have for series 5?
posted over a year ago.
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Ok. I'll try to calm down now. Of course we have to see for ourselves. Some good reminders here. One. That Arwen seldom has many scenes early on as per Bonnie. Two. What Yawdy said about the writer of the review knowing what he was trying to get across. We see what we want to see for sure. True of us, true of others.

I'll try to approach this with more of a wait and see attitude but I don't apologize for my initial reaction. Reading that was not easy pill to take. Just sayin'. I for one remember how we all felt after a couple of episodes, such as the one with Arthur's pants down with Merlin on him as Lailastar brought up. And ep 3 when Gwen was totally slighted for piggy back rides and a bit else. I know what they're capable of and frankly, I've been hoping for better this year. This review took me back to some of that in the way it sounded, but sure, we'll wait. All I hope is, the next review won't be so heavy handed.

This is another reminder of what is special about this club. We talk things over and help each other out. We support each other in our love for our couple.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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The author of the article needs glasses and help!!!

I'm not concerned about it,because IF and I mean IF they did put a
Merthur scene in we can always boycott or tweet or write letters and
I don't think they would risk that.
posted over a year ago.
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itsastart said:
Poppycock! All of it! Please do not waste your sweat and tears over an obvious Merthur. This man does not even come across like he likes this show. Just doing his job, to which he was sadly assigned, if I had a guess. I was more disappointed about the October start date. Had September 29 all circled in red hearts on my calendar all ready. I am not good at patience............ugh
posted over a year ago.
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EPaws said:
^ What Julie said. Stop over-reacting ladies. We are an intelligent crew. Look at the source. Please. He could not get the name right for fucks sake. Sorry for the language but it must be said.
posted over a year ago.
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EPaws said:
Lucerne, yes I read that too. Want pictures of our Angelic Queen.
posted over a year ago.
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The King has instructions for us all:

posted over a year ago.
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EPaws said:
Kim. Kim. Kim, we really are alike. I was just going to say, I am so not shitting you:

CALM YOUR FINE TITS LADIES! Yes, I love you, Kim Brand. LOLOL. Really hate not having good emoticons.
posted over a year ago.
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I had to dig through your favorites to find that damn thing, too!
posted over a year ago.
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EPaws said:
You did...awwwwwwww Pudding Cup.
posted over a year ago.
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Lmao. Now, when I first read this, I had to laugh at how the title was so blatantly incorrect. That's all I see here. That and the moving of the date. I'm actually pleased that they moved it back. It means that Merlin will run well into December. :)
posted over a year ago.
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EPaws said:
Please note the counter attack from Merlin Officialdom to this bit of rot:

‘Merlin’ is set to get steamy new story lines when it returns next month.

The BBC medieval drama has moved to a later time slot, meaning there will be more flesh on display from the cast with Queen Gwen (Angel Coulby) and baddie Morgana (Katie McGrath) both flashing extra cleavage.

For female viewers King Arthur (Bradley James) and his knights of the round table will be flashing their impressive ”guns and six-packs”.

Co-creator Julian Murphy told Daily Star newspaper: ”We are transmitting later this year at 8.15pm and our adult audience is growing dramatically.

”With that shift in time you have to change the tone. We had to give the dads something.

”And since we all got bored seeing Arthur with his top off we thought, give someone else a chance.”

While scenes will be getting mildly more sexy, Julian says one storyline they will never pursue is that of knight Sir Gwaine supposedly fancying the mystic wizard figure Merlin.

He said: ”We have never done it. Deep down it’s about sexuality and things you can’t tackle head-on.”

‘Merlin’ returns to BBC1 next Saturday (06.10.12).
posted over a year ago.
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EPaws said:
Can you say King and Queen chamber romps, darlings? Have a great day.
posted over a year ago.
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I will now!
posted over a year ago.
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Oh thanks for putting that right here!!! If they're saying all that than we better see something with the king and queen. I think this can be considered a counter attack indeed.
posted over a year ago.
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Looks like we may get a bed scene with the king and queen. *Hoping*
posted over a year ago.