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Merlin Season 5 secrets & spoilers



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Theogirl said:
I'm guessing Mordred seeks out a, once again, vanquished Morgana.
posted over a year ago.
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EPaws said:
It is Cenred, or Morgause or definitely, I hope anyway, Mordred.
posted over a year ago.
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I hate modred ... can't they just turn him good, afterall everything and everyone in Merlin seems to be a newly revamped version!! It'd be so nice to have a good modred instead of an evil one!!!
But my guess could be modred, morgeuse, lancelot (need to put him in, *chuckle!!) and perhaps gilli!!
posted over a year ago.
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itsastart said:
If Johnny and Julian hadn't even thought about a little Pendragon, I am a little concerned about where they will go with the Arwen story next season? Please do not relegate Gwen back to picking flowers. No mention of Arwen in this interview.
posted over a year ago.
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I agree Itsastart...I was the one (BMSESQ67) who tweeted the question re: whether Pendragon babies would appear in season 5 and I was very surprised that the creators answered that they had not thought of Pendragon babies. But I'm glad at least that the idea of Pendragon babies has now been planted in their minds. I also hope & pray they don't relegate Queen Gwen to the castle in the background, while Arthur & Merlin & the Knights are out and about having fun on their quests!!!
posted over a year ago.
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itsastart said:
Thank you for tweeting that question MOPENDRAGON, and planting the seed to TPTB. There are so many great people in this fandom.
posted over a year ago.
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Estaaaas said:
Ohh.. yaay! Mordred is coming back!!:D its gonna be greeeat!!:D
posted over a year ago.
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I believe is Mordred too. But there are many other options.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Mordred or Morgause...I'd prefer Mordred....and my never to become true wish would be Nimueh lol

But Mordered is important to the story and he has to turn up again.
posted over a year ago.
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Ahhh ... Nimueh!!! We forgot abut her!!! The original lady of the lake!!
posted over a year ago.
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I'll never forget her...
posted over a year ago.
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i think i'd prefer nimueh to modred ... i always hated modred, reminds me so much of arthur's death in the legend!!!
posted over a year ago.
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me too.
posted over a year ago.
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kenya1234 said:
I think Guinevere will be in charge while Arthur and the Knights are away along with Merlin when they go on quests. There are not many people that Arthur can trust now. Gwen would be in charge and she still has Gaius for guidance.
posted over a year ago.
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Nothing about Arwen.....sigh.
posted over a year ago.
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lailastar said:
Can we not have one season where someone is not trying to take over Camelot and kill Arthur. Its too soon for Mordred, he appears when Arthur is middle age, hence the battle and Arthurs death. This is his golden age and rule, I wish TPTB would just let them live and enjoy life. This season should be dedicated to adventures and prosperity an the unifying of Albion. Please give us a season free of Morgans plotting or some other bad guy plotting revenge. There are so many other interesting storylines, give us a break. what happened to all the adventures that Merlin and Arthur and Excalibur, the knights of the round table, give us some of that. Like I said somewhere else, please send Morgana to a convent, for a well deserve rest
posted over a year ago.
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I totally agree...
posted over a year ago.
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MikeAP001 said:
It probably will be Mordred BUT if someone has to return for series 5, I'd like it to be Freya. She might not be Morgana level "EVIL" but in the Merlin-o-verse, she killed innocents and that makes her evil--- at least that would be a good excuse to bring her back so Merlin can redeem her.

If you notice, she had on her right forearm the Triskele which was the same symbol that served as the lock and key to Aithusa. The Triskele was also the symbol of the Triple Goddess (who Morgana serves as High Priestess).

Maybe, Freya serves the same goddess and she's the one who commanded Aithusa to breath new life into the witch? The reason? To help bring back the old religion which Morgana is destined to do. That way, part of the story line for season 5 would set the stage for the return of magic to the land and the formation of Albion.
posted over a year ago.
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I agree with some of the other comments. I'd like to see the next series focus on the various adventures involving Arthur and his knights. After all, this legend is so fantastic and one can spin any tale--Merlin doesn't have to end with tragedy. I told some of my students that when I was in the 3rd grade(54 yrs. ago---still have my memory LOL) I won a writing contest featuring a story about 3 knights during the Arthurian times)My students asked me to re write the story and I am.
posted over a year ago.
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All great ideas but what if the returning character is lancealot? Know that would be exciting!
posted over a year ago.
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emccray1 said:
I'm starting to wonder about what they will to do with gwen now that she is queen ? I hope she gets really hurt and arthur goes beserk about it. Or how gwen is trying to have an baby or something.
posted over a year ago.
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emccray1 said:
They could give her a back story with her mom and like how her mom die, because I want at least one gwen center episode that will showcase angel a lil more. Althought I do love the couple its just been more about arthur and how he's feeling, and thinking all the time. I kinda want him to confort her a bit more and say how she has a good heart and to not change. maybe they can show how she is struggling with her new role as queen and stuff.
posted over a year ago.
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I hope that there are no Pendragon babies, at least not until the very last episode, or an epilogue. If Guinevere and Arthur have an heir, than Gwen will no doubt be bound to stay in the castle. I want to see the warrior Queen emerge from Guinevere in Season 5.
posted over a year ago.
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I also hope to see more Gwenadventures. I am a bit afraid that the end of s5 will be Arthur dying or something similar. I remember that in one of the s4 episodes, Morgana dreams of a battle field with a lot of dead bodies and Emrys asking her if that is what she wanted.
I wonder whether they will feature the older Merlin more than the younger version.
I think its so sad that there isn't going to be a s6 because I thin the end of s5 will either have to be very abrupt or they will leave it hanging in case they ever decide to do a sequel
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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scubzy1 said:
I think it might be mordred or nimueh- I really hope it's nimueh!
posted over a year ago.
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MikeAP001 said:
I think it would be nice to have Gwen go on a Quest in S05: reaffirm her loyalty and trust to Arthur, atone for the Pendragon's track record regarding Trust with the other kingdoms especially with the Gorlois incident, and help Merlin and Arthur (re)build Albion. As for Morgana, I'd like to hear her reason why she is the rightful heir and not Arthur--- not just her saying so but the actual reason why she should be ruling Camelot.
posted over a year ago.
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alisa497 said:
Im loving all of ur comments. im also hoping to see a little more love action between arthur and gwen like:MAKING LOVE,Soooooooo,guis makes a potion were: befor making love ,gwen or arthur drink it so she wont become prego(althoug not forevere)she can still have babies.also if they do put a parts of guinevere and arthur making love (which their should be lots of !!) merlin shuold accedently walk in on them:_they should either be shocked and yell at him to get out ar they would just keep on making love and not even notice him -I think that would be funny!!!!!!!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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posted over a year ago.
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i know that i may be repeating the same thing over and over again but i love merlin the actors are the best if they did not have the actors i will still like the show
but the actors that are in it now are the best and that what makes the show the best show in the world i love it so much best in the world
posted over a year ago.
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EvilDruid said:
I think it's Mordred, but (sadly) not the young version. I read they have got a new actor as Mordred, he is 23 years old!! I really liked Mordred as a kid, it makes him more creepy..
posted over a year ago.
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jlynnpet said:
From what I have heard,the season opens with a significant amount of time having passed with the characters much older then when season 4 ended. If that's the case, mordred would make sense. No matter who returns,I am sure I will LOVE it.
posted over a year ago.
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sailmike said:
Merlin has been casting spells right in front of Arthur and the knights for some time now and they still don't know that he has magic? Come on. It's long past time his secret came out.
posted over a year ago.
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matty2468 said:
there might be something about arther having to choose between gwen and his father,modred and/or lancelot will retern

posted over a year ago.
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Omoxlove said:
I supposed that Merlin magic secret should be expose in season 5 and morgana should change for good. Can wait for the series 5.
posted over a year ago.
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I think Mordred and Cenred is back for enemy.And Gilli, Catha for allie.
posted over a year ago.
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mitcn012 said:
NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Aparrently there is whole new actors. Including Arthur, Merlin and Gwen. If this is true - I WILL BE DEVASTATED! THE ACTORS THEY ALREADY HAVE ARE PERFECT! DAMN THE TIME JUMP!
posted over a year ago.
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lfickes said:
I am american and there is no greater show ever then merlin! Why the hell is it over after season 6!?
posted over a year ago.
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lfickes said:
In legend, lancelot is one of the most powerful knights of the roundtable so he has to return
posted over a year ago.
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mitcn012 said:
If they kill Arthur, I will die. Simple...
posted over a year ago.
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@mitcn012 Where did you hear that rumor? I looked to try to find any information like that and I stumbled upon this website with some really awesome details about season 5 but I couldn't find anything about changing the actors. I would be devastated too if BBC pulled something like that.
posted over a year ago.
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oh please... don't change the actors.. and most important don't kill Arthur. i'll be devastated too. we all love Merlin
posted over a year ago.
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EPaws said:
Kind of hard to plan for a Series 6 without Arthur. Stop worrying.
posted over a year ago.
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petar1990 said:
i hope merlin becomes more powerful n has cooler lookin spells, n fights rly strong people n they learn to fear ameris :D i always love when merlin uses his magic,, my favorite part ^_^
posted over a year ago.
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Lucerne28 said:
On my phone, so can't post link, but big spoiler from @MELINID on twitter regarding Mordred. Here is the link link
It would appear that Mordred is a *knight of Camelot*. I know that in some myths he was a knight, don't know how it will play out here. I just hope that if this spoiler is true that we don't get yet another storyline of someone Arthur trust betraying him after he again disregards Merlin's warnings. Sigh. If that is indeed the storyline, then these writers need serious help IMO. Sigh, does this also mean we will get yet another fall of Camelot tale at the hand of Morgana?
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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It'snot fair Gwen doesn't get to spend time with her husband questing or having adventures together! Apparently the producers seem to enjoy placing her as the archetypical damsel-in-distress and domestic housewife looking after the kingdom and instead, recurring guest stars like Mithian happens to steal her scenes with Arthur! Is Arthur the only man every beautiful princess/noblewoman is attracted to? It's infuriating! Gwaine, Leon, Percival, Elyan, and newer knights are so love-deprived! Is Arthur destined to marry every woman whom he fancies? BBC loves to degrade Gwen and idolize Arthur and every new central female guest star!
posted over a year ago.
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I too don't want Gwen banished ever again! I want the truth to come out and i want some happiness for these two...they deserve that. I also want Gwen to get out and fight with and for her husband if needs be...she is that type of Queen. I need Merlin to be given a new set of clothes...really i love him so and he deserves that. Just something, oh please! I want Gwen and Arthur to be aware of what confronts them and fight back together. I want Tristan to become a Knight of Camelot. And i want a mention of babies but i can wait another season for that. I want them to have some together time...and yes wear that sexy bed dress and a hint of great lovemaking..yes i know it is a family show but they are so hot together. So i don't want Arthur killed off anytime soon. Yes i am glad Gwen gets to finally dress and i am sick of morgana so i need her to turn good and marry Merlin! No more temptation for Gwen and bring on the beautiful dresses for a pretty woman...tired of Morgana getting to rock all the fashion. So Morgana can turn good and help fight Mordred! Yes, i know probably won't go down that way. ANyway bring it on. My favorite show!
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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deefak said:
I agree there should be more romantic scenes between Arthur and Gwen, Gwen should also go on adventures with the king and Knights of the round table sometimes and there should be a pendragon baby. it will make it very interesting.
posted over a year ago.
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I now this would never happen but I remember in season 1,2 and 3 that there were some times were you would think that Merlin and Morgana would have a romantic moment or some sort of thing....well at least a kiss. I some times hope that could happen again were she preteens to feel sorry about what she has done and Merlin beliving her. Morgana trying to tern Merlin to the dark side with a romantic approach but falls in love with him but Merlin sees her evil plan and leaves so Morgana becomes more evil and mean from a brocken heart. I now it sounds stupid
posted over a year ago.
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It be wired with a Pendragon chill and remember from the mythes that the child is a brat and ends up destorying Camelot killing Aurther and Gwen but Merlin gets away with his child who's mother is Morgana
posted over a year ago.
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Auzzie said:
Imagine if morgana found out merlin was emerous and fell to his knees begging him and crying, would he take pity on her you think?
posted over a year ago.
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I am a direct decendent of Uther Pendragon. Loving it!
posted over a year ago.