Arthur and Gwen Club
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Part 14: link

    Arthur was feeling more like James Bond than Superman at the moment. He’d sold his Corvette to a dealership Friday afternoon and was now in Merlin’s car, driving to meet Elyan at Lincoln Elementary at 10 p.m.
    They pull into the parking lot just as Elyan drives up in the Impala. He parks beside them and gets out of the car.
    “Hey,” he nods at Arthur as he climbs out of the passenger side of Merlin’s giant Oldsmobile.
    “Hey, Elyan, thanks. I’m sure Guinevere really appreciates this,” Arthur says.
    “Yeah, well, we can’t have her comin’ out here to meet up with y’all, not at this hour,” Elyan says. “Hey, Merlin.”
    “Hi, Elyan,” Merlin waves.
    “So you sold that cherry car o’ yours, hey?” Elyan asks, actually looking a little sad for Arthur.
    “Yeah,” Arthur sighs. “No room for anything in there. Not good to use for movin’. Besides, it’s not built for drivin’ in the snow,” he chuckles.
    “Prob’ly not,” Elyan allows. “Still, it’s a shame. But you got money, you can just buy another’n.”
    “Maybe,” Arthur shrugs.
    “Well, here’s the keys. Don’t stay up too late, now, you need to get some sleep. I don’t want you fallin’ asleep behind the wheel while you’re drivin’ my big sister up to live with the Yankees,” Elyan says, smirking.
    “Yes, sir,” Arthur salutes him. “I’ll make sure she calls you as soon as we get inside my uncle’s house.”
    “You do that.”
    “You gonna be around tomorrow mornin’ when I pick her up?” Arthur asks.
    “Prob’ly. She’d kill me if I didn’t see her off proper.”
    Arthur laughs. “Prob’ly,” he agrees. “See you later, then. You want a lift back?”
    “Nah, it’s just a few blocks. I can walk.”
    “You’re sure?” Arthur presses.
    “Yeah. Go on, now.”
    “Thanks. For helpin’. And for understandin’.”
    “You’re welcome. Now that I’m sorta used to the idea, I know that I just want my sister to be happy. And if she’s happy with you, then I’d be a…”
    “Jive-ass turkey?” Merlin supplies, grinning.
    “Yeah. I’d be a jive-ass turkey to get in her way.”
    “Not that she’d let you anyway,” Arthur says, grinning now, too.
    Elyan laughs. “See you later, Charlie,” he waves and heads towards home on foot.
    Merlin looks at Arthur. “Charlie?”
    “Don’t ask,” Arthur sighs.
    “You need any help?”
    “Wouldn’t say no,” Arthur says. “Come on, we won’t get nothin’ done if we stand here talkin’ in a parkin’ lot all night.”
    They drive to Arthur’s apartment, where Arthur discovers that Merlin has brought some boxes of his own.
    “Not even waitin’ for the place to get cold, Merlin?” Arthur laughs, reaching into Merlin’s trunk for a box.
    “Well, it just seemed convenient, since I was comin’ over,” Merlin shrugs.
    “How did your mama take the news?”
    “That I was subletting your apartment? She wasn’t really surprised. She’s not terribly happy, but she understands me wanting me own place.” Inside, he sets his box down off to one side, out of the way, so it doesn’t accidentally wind up in the Impala’s trunk.
    “Yes, you’re a big boy now, it’s time to leave the nest,” Arthur says, reaching over and ruffling Merlin’s hair.
    “Thanks for leaving your furniture, mate. That’s a big help.”
    “Well, it saves me from havin’ to move it,” Arthur shrugs, shoving a box over to Merlin with his foot.
    “Besides, now that you’re rich, you can buy all new stuff. Well, you can pay for what Gwen picks out,” he chuckles.


    “So who knows?” Merlin asks after the last box has been put in Gwen’s car.
    “Who knows what?” Arthur asks back.
    “Who knows the truth about why you’re moving?” Merlin plunks down on the sofa and takes a long drink of water.
    “Oh, that. Um… you, obviously. Pop, Elyan… and Leon.”
    “Leon?” Merlin says, surprised. “How did Leon find out?”
    “He guessed,” Arthur sighs.
    “So what’s this about you heading up to Pendragon north?” Leon asked, strolling into Arthur’s office and closing the door behind him.
    “Well, my uncle is short-handed up in Milwaukee, and Pop has plenty of folks down here, and I got to thinkin’ that I might like a change of scenery, so I volunteered to go,” Arthur said simply, putting books in a box.
    “Bullshit,” Leon snorted, smirking. “You’re going off to elope with Gwen.”
    Arthur said nothing for a long moment, then slowly and carefully said, “Officially, I am transferring to the Milwaukee office because Gaius is short-handed.”
    “Understood.” Leon nodded and turned towards the door. “Have a safe move, Arthur,” he said, pausing. “And take care of her. She’s really something.”
    “Thanks, Leon. I know.”

    “Well, he’s a smart bloke,” Merlin nods. “And clearly he’s got a little soft spot for our Gwen, too.”
    “She’s hard not to like, what can I say?” Arthur says, smiling as he thinks of her.
    “Arthur?” Merlin asks suddenly.
    “Can I tell me mum? I don’t like keeping things from her.”
    Arthur studies his friend’s face. “You already told her, didn’t you?”
    “Yeah,” Merlin admits, looking down.
    Arthur chuckles. “It’s all right. I like your mom. I trust her.”
    “Oh, good. Because she’s over the moon for you and Gwen. Gonna miss you something terrible, she says, but she’s happy you found someone that makes you happy.” Merlin smiles, then he looks a little uncomfortable.
    “She’s gonna be on your back now, ain’t she?” Arthur grins.
    “Already started, mate. ‘Well, Merlin, why haven’t you found a nice young lass?’” he says, mimicking his mother’s voice.
    “Well, Vivian needs consoling…” Arthur teases.
    “What? Did she make a scene? What did she do?”
    “Mr. Pendragon?” Vivian’s voice followed a timid knock at Arthur’s door close to the end of the day.
    “Hello, Vivian,” Arthur said, closing up his last box.
    “You’re… you’re really leaving?” she asked, stepping inside, her blue eyes wide and glassy.
    “Yes, moving up north.”
    “Uncle Gaius needs another lawyer in his office. I want a change of scenery,” he shrugged.
    “Oh… Mr. Pendragon… um, Arthur, I…”
    “Vivian,” Arthur stopped her, raising his hand. “Don’t, please.”
    “I don’t want you to go,” she admitted quietly.
    “Vivian, it wouldn’t work, you and me.”
    “Is it because I work here? I would quit.”
    “No, that’s not why. I’m sorry. I just don’t think of you like that.”
    “I don’t understand. I’m pretty, my daddy’s rich,” she walked closer, “I’ve got
these,” she stuck her chest forward slightly.
    “Vivian,” he stepped back then, “those are all… good qualities… I guess. But… you’re just not my type, sorry. And I’m movin’ to Milwaukee tomorrow.”
    “But I’m everyone’s type…” she muttered, incredulous.
    “Vivian,” Arthur said, stepping over to her and placing his hands on her shoulders, “stop trying to be a
type. Start trying to be yourself. There’s a man out there for you. It’s just not me.”
    Vivian looked down at her feet, nodding. “I’ll miss you.”
    Arthur gave her a quick hug then. “You’re a nice girl, Vivian. Let people see that.”

    “So you’re leavin’ and she tried to make a play for you the night before? Wow, she isn’t very smart,” Merlin shakes his head.
    “It’s kind of sad, really,” Arthur says. “She doesn’t know who she is.”
    “Too much time under Daddy’s thumb,” Merlin says, putting his glass in the sink. “Maybe I’ll start bein’ nicer to her.”
    “Heh,” Arthur chuckles once. “You know who’d be good for Vivian?”
    “Me?” Merlin says, sitting up straight and puffing his chest out a bit.
    “Percy Andersen.”
    “What? She’d never…”
    “Exactly why she should.”
    “Merlin, are you thinkin’ o’ playin’ matchmaker?”
    Merlin shrugs.
    “Gonna start calling you… ‘Merlinda,’” Arthur teases.
    “Well, just remember you were the one that came up with the idea… Arthurina.”
    Arthur just rolls his eyes. He looks at his watch. “Shit, it’s late. You stayin’ here or goin’ home?”
    “Stayin’ here,” Merlin says, stretching out on the couch. “If you think I’m not seeing you two off tomorrow morning, you’re as stupid as you are ugly—hey!” he shouts when a pillow hits his head.
    “Go to sleep,” Arthur says. “And thanks.”


    4:30 comes very early indeed when you haven’t really slept at all. Gwen tossed and turned, her mind too full, her heart beating too fast.
    She finally gets up at 3:00 and takes a long shower, hoping that the hot water will settle her nerves.
    I can’t believe I’m doing this. I can’t do this. I can do this. Am I insane? No, I’m in love, which is apparently close enough.
    What if he doesn’t show up? What if he just stole my car?
    Don’t be stupid, that’s a pretty elaborate plan to execute just to steal a lousy old ’58 Impala. Especially because the man was drivin’ a brand new Stingray.
    I can’t do this.

    Gwen’s brain is a constant flurry of random thoughts as she dresses and fixes her hair and generally fusses, all while watching the clock.
    Maybe I can sleep in the car. Would he mind? It wouldn’t be very polite, sleepin’ while he has to stay awake and drive.
    Wonder if he slept last night?

    Gwen checks her large gray suitcase one last time, making sure her essentials are there. She has a few boxes as well, but the suitcase is the important thing. All of her personals are in there, and she frets over it like a mother hen with her brood.
    I hope he left me enough room in the car. He has more things than me, but he promised he’d leave room.
    4:24 a.m. rolls around and she sees the reflection of headlights trace her ceiling.
    He’s here.
    She runs down the stairs and out the door to greet him, but Elyan has already let him in.
    “Ready?” he asks, grinning at her.
    “Yes. No. Yes,” she answers, wringing her hands.
    Arthur glances at Elyan and crosses over to her, wrapping his arms around her. “I know,” he whispers. “I’m nervous, too. But that could be from the entire pot of coffee I drank this morning.”
    She giggles into his shoulder, and he continues. “By the way, where’s your bathroom?”
    Gwen starts laughing now, slapping his shoulder lightly as she pulls out of his arms. “First on the left,” she says.
    “Merlin ain’t here?” Arthur asks. “He left fifteen minutes before me…” he mutters, walking to the bathroom.
    “Was he supposed to be here?” Gwen asks. Another set of headlights answers her question and Elyan goes out to greet him.
    “Merlin, I’m glad you came,” Gwen says when he comes in.
    “Wouldn’t miss it,” Merlin says. He has a bag in his hand.
    Arthur reappears then, and looks at him. “What happened to you?”
    “Had to stop home for a minute. Mum made you some scones for the trip.” He holds out the bag.
    “Holy…” Arthur opens the bag. “How many scones did she make?”
    “Um, three batches, I think. She doesn’t think you’ll have anything decent to eat up there,” Merlin chuckles.
    “’Course he will,” Gwen says. “I’m goin’ with him.”
    Merlin laughs.
    “But tell her thank you very much, Merlin. It was very sweet of her,” she adds.
    “Come on, let’s get Guinevere’s things,” Arthur says. He hands the bag of scones to her. “You can carry that.”
    Gwen rolls her eyes. “Come on,” she leads them upstairs.
    Arthur looks around once they are upstairs, peeking into rooms and opening closet doors.
    “Arthur!” Gwen laughs at him.
    “I’ve never been up here,” he defends himself. “I’m just familiarizing myself with your former surroundings.”
    “Why?” she asks.
    “Because he’s a nosy git,” Merlin answers. “Do you lot want to hit the road or not?”
    “Yes,” Arthur says.
    “What are we taking?” Elyan asks. Gwen points to the gray suitcase and three boxes.
    “That’s it?” Arthur asks.
    “We’ll see if there’s room after these,” Gwen says, picking up the suitcase.
    “I’ll get that,” Arthur says.
    “There’s one box for each of you,” Gwen instructs, stubbornly lifting the suitcase and heading down.
    They find they have room for one more box, and Arthur runs up to get it.
    “You’re sure you want to do this?” Elyan asks softly, glancing at Merlin, who tactfully pretends not to hear.
    “Yes,” Gwen says. She puts her hand on his cheek. “Elyan, he makes me happy. Yes, I’m scared; yes, it’s not going to be easy. But that’s what makes it worthwhile. I ain’t never done nothin’ scary or risky in my life. It’s time I take a chance on somethin’.”
    “I know.” He glances to the side, to see Arthur returning. “If he don’t treat you like a queen, you just call me and I’ll come a-runnin’, okay?”
    “Deal,” she says, hugging her brother tightly. “Love you, Elyan.”
    “Love you, too, Gwennie.”
    He releases her and she looks up at him, smirking as she wipes a tear from his eye. “Shh,” he says.
    “Ready whenever you are,” Arthur says quietly, not wanting to interrupt the siblings’ farewell.
    “Merlin,” Gwen goes over and hugs the Irishman, who even leans down and kisses her cheek, blushing.
    “Keep him in line,” he grins at her, and she makes a sound somewhere between a laugh and a sob.
    “Arthur,” Elyan says, holding his hand out. “Be good to my sister or I will kill you. Just layin’ it out there.”
    “Understood,” Arthur says, nodding seriously as he shakes Elyan’s hand. “I made a promise, remember?”
    “I do,” Elyan says. “Just mind that you remember it.”
    “Merlin,” Arthur says, clearing his throat uncomfortably.
    “Oh, you’re gettin’ hugged, mate, there’s no way around it,” Merlin says, pulling Arthur by his shoulder.
    Merlin releases him and Arthur ducks his head, surreptitiously wiping his eyes. He waits while Gwen gives Elyan one last hug, telling him to be good. Then he takes her hand and leads her to the passenger side of the car, opening the door for her.
    She waves at Elyan and Merlin and climbs into the car. Arthur closes the door gently after her and walks around to the driver’s side.
    “Drive safe,” Merlin calls.
    Arthur just nods and gets in the car. Merlin and Elyan watch as he pulls the car out of the drive and heads down the street.


    “Are you all right, Guinevere?” Arthur asks as they leave town. She hasn’t said anything since they left, and he knows she’s been weeping softly as she looks out the window.
    The sky is just barely starting to show signs of morning as Arthur stops the car, sighing. “Guinevere, if you want to change your mind…” he ventures quietly. He has to give her one last chance, even if her answer kills him inside.
    Gwen sniffles. “No,” she says, finally turning to look at him. “I’m sorry, Arthur, I don’t mean to look like I’m mopin’ or havin’ second thoughts or that I don’t want to go with you. I do. More than anything.”
    Arthur holds his arm out and she slides across the bench seat, scooting close next to him.
    “I’ve never been anywhere,” she says. “This is the only place I know.”
    “I know, darlin’,” he says, kissing the top of her head. “But we’ll make a new home in Milwaukee. Together.”
    Gwen looks up at him, her brown eyes big and watery. He wipes the tears from her cheeks with his thumb and then holds her chin gently with his thumb and forefinger as he leans down to softly kiss her lips once. Then again, a little longer.
    “I can turn back,” he mutters against her lips.
    “Shut up,” she starts giggling now. “Drive this car, Superman.”
    Arthur puts the car in gear. “If I were Superman we’d be there by now,” he says. Gwen starts to slide away, but he holds her to his side, wanting her close. “Pass me one o’ them scones,” he says.
    “How’re you gon’ drive and eat a scone when you have one arm around me?” she asks, handing him one of the three-dozen chocolate chip scones from the bag.
    “Like this,” he says, guiding the car for a moment with his knee as he shoves half of the pastry into his mouth, setting the other half on the dash while he chews.
    “Pig,” she says, but she’s laughing, nibbling her own scone now.
    “What?” he asks, his mouth full. She sighs and reaches up to brush a crumb from the corner of his mouth.
    “Merlin’s mama can cook,” she says. “I’ll have to have him send me the recipe.”


    The sun is up as they drive through the northeast corner of Arkansas, heading for the southeast corner of Missouri. Gwen is yawning, her head dropping onto Arthur’s shoulder.
    “Sorry,” she mumbles, apologizing.
    “Guinevere, if you want to sleep, that’s fine,” he says.
    “I don’t want to be rude,” she says.
    “Darlin’, you’re fallin’ asleep anyway, just give in. I’m fine. Whole pot o’ coffee, remember? I’m all caffeined up.”
    She settles her head back on his shoulder. “As long as you don’t mind,” she says.
    “Not at all,” he says, giving her a small squeeze.
    Gwen shifts and squirms, trying to get comfortable. She toes her shoes off and brings her feet up, curling her legs beside her.
    “Just lie down, Guinevere,” Arthur says, raising his arm so she can slide down.
    She curls up on her side, resting her head on his thigh. “Is this all right?” she asks.
    “It’s fine,” Arthur answers. A little bit distracting, but fine. He reaches down and tucks a curl that has escaped from her braid behind her ear and watches as she smiles a little as she drifts off to sleep.
    We actually did it. Honestly, I’m a little surprised that she did it. What was it that Duncan said? “Never steppin’ a toe out o’ line.” Well, this isn’t really steppin’ a toe out o’ line. We ain’t doin’ anything illegal. Nothing wrong with ridin’ in a car. Through several states. To go somewhere where we can continue to not do anything illegal.
    He glances down at her, smiling at how her lips pout, how her little hands are tucked up under her chin. She looks so sweet. Innocent.
    Well, she is innocent, stupid.

    Then she squirms slightly, her hand coming up to rest on his thigh beside her head. She sighs and makes a noise, a small whimpering noise that sounds vaguely sensual.
    Maybe not so innocent, Arthur thinks, blinking in slight surprise. Wonder what she’s dreaming about? And I hope her hand doesn’t go travelin’ too far.
    Well, I kind of hope it does.

Part 16: link
bradley james
angel coulby
added by ellarose88
Source: by me!
added by RosalynCabenson
added by EPaws
Source: songsofwolves
added by EPaws
Source: nikascott
added by 2Sam11
Source: Me
added by EPaws
Source: starry eyed
added by EPaws
Source: MadeofGold
    Merlin rides back into Camelot as swiftly as the horse can carry him. He enters the gates and dismounts, handing the reins to a stablehand.
    Arthur sees him return, alone, and meets Merlin as he is sprinting up the stairs.
"I told you not to come back until you've found her," Arthur says quietly, irritated, and walks with Merlin, who is striding purposefully through the corridors of the castle.
    "I did find her," Merlin says curtly.
    "Well, where is she?"
    "My mother's house."
continue reading...
added by MISAforever
added by VampyreFey
bradley james
angel coulby
added by VampyreFey
bradley james
angel coulby
added by VampyreFey
bradley james
angel coulby
angel coulby
bradley james
added by mycandygum
credit to YT
credit to secretheart21
added by ellarose88
Source: euphoria1001
Made by: poetry46
bradley james
angel coulby
so here it is, sorry for bad cutting and I didn't have so much clips yet. hope you like it anyway, just 4 u sweeties^^
angel coulby
bradley james
added by MontanaGirl2892
Source: Camelot love-live journal-peopleareshapes