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Hey fanpop here is part 2 two my new fiction. I really hope you read and review. And I hope you enjoy this one. PS You should read part 1 before reading onto this one or it will not make any sense. Arthurlover7 (Cassidy)

Part-1 link

here is part 2

Later in the King and Queen's Chambers

"Uther?" I stepped in to see my husband sitting at the desk, head in his hands. "Uther honey." I tried again.
"Igraine you should have seen it. Arthur was bestotic, defending a mai-"
"Her name is Guinevere hon. And I know I just finished talking to Arthur. And I don't think he is enchanted, I honestly think he has feeling's for this girl."
"Please not you too" he groaned. "I can't deal with two people being enchanted. I wish I could kill the little who-"
"Uther, Pendragon!" I yelled at him, he jumped in surprise. "Your son is not enchanted and he has feeling for this girl who is not a witch. She actually looks very nice and when I observed Arthur with her I can see how much he cares for her. Why can't you just see how happy she makes our son?"
"But, she is a servant," he protested again. "A commoner, Arthur is putting Camelot to shame by taking a serving wench. We will be the talk of the entire five kingdoms. And its not traditional, a serving wench on the throne of Camelo-"
"Uther. All you care about is tradition this and tradition that, but when has Arthur ever been traditional? I would have though you got the hint after he turned down Elena. I’m surprised at you. You should be supporting your son in the choices he makes. Not just using your old enemy of magic as the answer to things that don't go your way. And that poor girl, she was scared half to death by you, if I hadn't arrived when I did you would have created a heartbroken son who would probably never speak to you again because of killing an innocent woman that he loves."
"Heartbroken? Arthur? Heartbroken because of a serving girl, that's preposterous."
"Well believe it because it's true Uther. I have seen it with my own eyes. When you left, oh you should have seen it. The lust and longing Arthur had in his eyes was heartbreaking for me to watch. And Uther, he broke away from the guards full speed running after the girl and kissed her like I have never seen a man kiss a woman before, with such lust, and passion. If I had not come along he would've never seen her again. And when the guards wrenched them apart I felt so bad for our son yet despite that he kept struggling to try and get back to her. You of all people should know that you can't help who you fall in love with Uther."
"No 'buts' Uther. Now stop moping and get ready for supper. We will have plenty of time to talk about this with both Arthur and Guinevere tomorrow morning during breakfast, but for now I have sent them to rest and recover for the night."
"WHAT? That serving wench is recovering and not in the dungeons? But I ordered-"
"I stopped them Uther. I released her and Arthur and told him to take her back to his chambers to relax for the evening-"
“UTHER?!?” I was losing my patience with him. “You stop assuming the worst, he has not slept with her. They have never done that before not to her or anyone I would know. Besides, Arthur may be arrogant but he would never steal a girl from her virtue. Even you should know that.”
I looked down to see that my husband wasn't listening to my words, mumbling to himself. “I don't trust that serving girl, where are the guards? I'm going down there right now and giving her a piece of my mind. Then, I'm going to make her leave-”
"You will do not such thing. Uther if you as so much touch this girl, then I'll. . .I'll I don't know, just stay out of her and Arthur's way for the evening. Stay clear of the princes chambers. We will get our answers in the morning because unlike you I want to know why this girl has such an effect on our son.”
“Oh Igraine, I'll get my answers. She will wish to have never been born when I'm through with her.”
“No, Uther you will not. You should try and get it into your thick skull of yours that if you do anything to this girl you will not only lose your son's loyalty and trust but I will as well. Because I promised Arthur that I would give him a chance to explain everything before you or I did anything rash to Guinevere. So that's why you will be at the breakfast tomorrow listening to your son for once and not caring about status, tradition or magic, only his feelings and how Arthur feels."
“There is no way in hell Im going to listen to a serving girl explain this so called lust for my son. No I refuse to do so.”
"Pendragon, you will control your temper, and be nice to this girl. Our son loves her that much to give up his title. So you will be nice because 1.) I promised Arthur that no harm would come to the girl from your wrath and 2.) If you don't behave then I will discuss with them about how to handle the situation alone. And 3.) You should have more faith in your son and try to find out his side of the story before you start bringing false accusations into this mess.”
He sighed knowing that he would not win this battle. He looked at me for a long moment and then said “Yes dear. Alright, I will listen during breakfast to my son. But don't think I have changed my mind about this. And I also want a word with her when we are through our conversation tomorrow.”
“Fair enough dear. But under three conditions. One you are not allowed to harm, kill or hurt the girl in any way shape or form words included. Two, you are not allowed to banish her from the kingdom or the city-dale and that includes paying her a big amount of money to leave Camelot. And three you can not fire her from her job in the palace or treat her any differently because of this new knowledge you have regarding her and Arthur's feelings understand?”
“Yes dear I understand completely.” he replied. But I knew I already regretted my decision to allow him this because I could see his wheels turning already, trying to think of a loophole of my words to get Guinevere out of Arthur's life.

The Prince's Chambers

When I entered my chambers with Guinevere still in my arms I turned to the guards behind me. “If my father comes looking for me then tell him I will see him tomorrow in the morning but no earlier. And if either of you tell anyone that Guinevere is here in my chambers or what happened earlier in the throne room I will have your heads. Am I clear?”
“Yes sire” they said nodding their heads. I nodded back giving them a dismissal. And with that they turned on their heels out of the room closing the doors before taking up their posts outside my chambers.
I sighed watching them go before looking down at my sleeping Guinevere in my arms. She was so peaceful, sleeping as an angel, snuggled up against my chest. I looked over at the comfortable bed waiting for the both of us but I decided against it because I had been minutes from losing her and was not ready to let her go yet. Instead I rocked her back and forth while pacing slowly around the room, holding her close and kissing her forehead from time to time just thankful to have her in my embrace.
I was in mid stride lost in my own thoughts until a light knock sounded at my door. I looked down at Guinevere who was still sleeping soundly, and kissed her forehead one more time before settling her on the bed beneath the blankets and slowly closing the curtains around my bed to give her some privacy.
I turned to the door and softly bidding them to enter. The door opened reveling Merlin with a supper for two.
“Ahh Merlin, thanks for bringing us dinner. I will not need any more of your services for the evening and tomorrow morning so go enjoy yourself and have the night off.”
“Thank you Sire,” he looked over at my shoulder at the bed “how is she?”
“She is alright Merlin, but I honestly don't know. She has been through quite an ordeal, it's hard to say. But I'm sure she will be fine when my father finally get's off her back and stops becoming a threat.”
“And of course don't forget the most important thing is that she needs tender loving care from the one and only Crown Prince, Arthur.”
“Shut up and get out.”
“Excuse me?”
“Well Merlin I was prepared to give you the morning off tomorrow but now I want you bright and early preparing and serving breakfast so I suggest that you go get some sleep before your busy morning. Off you go.” I said smiling.
He gave me another look before leaving the room.
I sighed before turning to wake Guinevere. “Guinevere. . .Guinevere?” I whispered softly to her, “Supper is hear love, you need something to eat.” I bent down to kiss her and she slowly opened her eyes.
“Arthur?” She mumbled looking around. Then, before I knew what was happening she jumped into my arms holding me close. “Arthur,” she mumbled into my shoulder. “What happened? How did I get here? Oh Arthur I thought I would never see you again. I was so afraid of what was going to happen.”
But before I could reply she started to kiss me passionately and strongly. “Oh Guinevere she tasted so sweet in my mouth. Oh god. My hands started roaming to the ties of her dress. . .wait what am I doing?” I pulled my body away from her dress, and slightly distanced my lips, leaning my forehead against her's. She pulled her arms around my neck, trying to pull me closer.
“Careful love.” I told her before wrapping her in my embrace, “I have been given this privilege to allow you to stay here for the night, lets not do anything rash now. Ok. I promise myself to you but not until after we are married.”
“Alright Arthur, I have been waiting for a long time and can wait some more. But I have a question how did I get here anyway?” she asked again.
“Well you were being lead out and then my mother saw and she released both of us. I exchanged some words with her and then carried you to my chambers for some rest. And then I just now woke you before Merlin brought us supper.”
“She did? Oh I must go and thank her. . .wait I shouldn't be here. What would your father think? I shall go thank her and then I should probably get out of your way. . .” she started to get up but I held her back.
“Guinevere love, you already did thank her. In the throne room, you were barely conscious through the whole thing but you did talk to her a little bit.” She continued struggle from my grip insisting that she had to go, but I pulled her close again, “And besides. . .” I continued, “I would never let you go anywhere near my mother right now because she is talking with father at the moment. And I'm not allowing that meeting to happen anytime soon.”
“But Arthur, this isn't right, I shouldn't even be here.”
“Love, you do belong here. I already arranged to with the Queen. So top worrying and come have some dinner with me,”
She slumped back into my arms in defeat. “Ok Arthur, your right I'm being foolish. I don't want to leave here anyway.”
I smiled, “that's my girl. Now how about some supper?”
“Yes please. That sounds lovely.”
I hopped off the bed, pulling her with me, and lead her to the table. I instantly pulled her chair out for her helping her settle in before starting to fill her plate with the food.
“Arthur, I can do that.”
“Guin-ev-ere” I said, using the voice that always made her heart flutter. “I am your servant for the evening. I owe you that much, plus we never did finish our picnic the other day and I want to start it right with no interruptions.”
“Thanks Arthur, I love you.”
“Just as much as I love you.”
I then leaned in for another kiss capturing her lips for a moment before adding food to my own plate, and joining her at the table. We than fell into a comfortable silence of eating what was in our plates. When the meal was over, I gave her my red tunic to sleep in and changed into my usual white tunic and trousers that I normally slept in.
We then snuggled up on the bed falling next to each other. My arm was wrapped under her waist, with her head leaning against my chest. She drifted off immediately snuggling closer to my chest while I lay awake for a while thinking about tomorrow's events. “Will father ever see how much I care for her? Mother saw it right away, I only hope we can convince them to be together otherwise I don't know what I'll do.” And that was my last thought before Guinevere's breathing soon drifted me to sleep.

Please comment and so I know what you think about it : )
Sky Atlantic has announced the cast for new crime drama The Tunnel.

Stephen Dillane (Game of Thrones) and Clémence Poésy (Birdsong) will lead the ten-part series, based on the format of The Bridge.

Adapted by an Anglo-French writing team led by Ben Richards (Spooks, Outcasts) and directed by Dominik Moll (The Monk), The Tunnel will begin filming this month and is due to air later this year.

The official synopsis reads: "When a prominent French politician is found dead on the border between the UK and France, detectives Karl Roebuck (Dillane) and Elise Wassermann (Poésy) are sent to investigate...
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    Arthur adjusts his tunic and belt and looks at himself for the fifth time. Smiling in satisfaction, he blows into his hand and sniffs. His breath smells fine, so there’s no worry about the girl fainting the moment he starts speaking to her. He sighs and looks at the bunch of lavender in his hand. His mother recommended he bring along something nice like flowers and this is all he could think of. He didn’t know why he chose lavender when there were so many other types of flowers in the market, but the moment he caught the sight of the lavender, he was hooked...
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Arthur yawns, stirs and stretches out his arms. He feels tired and his limbs are aching all over. A good hot bath will do the trick for his aching body. He yawns again. Someone beside him shifts their position. Arthur yanks his eyes open and turns to his left, his mouth dropping wide open when he notices a female body, fully naked, lying asleep beside him. He immediately pushes himself up on his elbow, his eyes never leaving the woman beside him. He has no idea who the woman is or how she ended up on his bed. Arthur starts to sweat. His own topless chest is heaving fast, frightened by what...
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Hey all! Sorry this part took so long to get to you. Hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing it!! :)

p.s. Updated for length of spell. Needed more time than expected for the next chatper. :) :)

Chapter 2

Arthur Pendragon was a man with a plan.

Actually, that's not quite accurate.

He was a man with a goal. And a very vague outline of how to reach it.

Since that goal was to seduce his ever-enticing and usually compliant wife, he wasn't worried too much about the details. In fact, this was going to be one of those go-with-the-flow-see-what-mood-my-wife-is-in-and-bring-her-round...
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Long Live the Queen.
Long Live the Queen.
I was honestly okay with the ending. Given the state of the world and perhaps the limitations of what can be fed to and received by the audience at this time. What a tear-jerker. Honestly... I feel like writers, in their humanity, found themselves in too deep. Like to be able to write something so epic and ecstatic as what was to come when Magic flowed freely in Camelot.... was too much for the writers to handle or too much for the audience at this time to "handle" or both.

In addition, I think the actors were done. The interviews with the actors always speak of 5 seasons, 5 years, nobody as...
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Source: Where I Have Been
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Review by: Mark Braxton

We’ve known King Arthur to be pig-headed before, but his blindness to the truth has dire consequences this week as season five hits the halfway mark. After the blinkered royal falls from his mount during an ambush by brigands, he rounds on poor stablehand Tyr and accuses him of sabotage. Anyone who saw last week’s cheery chapter in the Dark Tower will know who’s really to blame, and even though Merlin turns detective to draw out the culprit, he’s soon fighting against time.

But Merlin’s amusingly crabby alter ego makes an overdue return, and the line “Keep...
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'Merlin': 'The Dark Tower' spoiler-free review

After the magical dilemma presented by 'The Disir', it is very much back to the day job for Merlin and crew this week. With this episode from series co-creator Julian Jones, the story will clearly has implications for the series’ ongoing arc.

We begin with Gwen and Elyan, who have ridden out to lay flowers on their father’s unmarked grave. On their return the party encounter a trap and in fleeing from the scene Gwen is abducted. With Arthur bereft and the Knights in shock, especially Elyan who feels entirely responsible, they ride out to rescue...
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