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Title: A New Era, Chapter One.
Author: ellarose88
Rating: PG-13 (for now). May go higher in later chapters.
Word count: 1,620 so far…
Characters/Pairings: Gwen, Arthur, Merlin, OC, Arthur/Gwen.
Spoilers/Warnings: This story is based on spoilers that series 5 is to be set three years in the future. The rest is purely from my imagination.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Merlin. It belongs to Shine! If I did A/G would have three kids by now!
Summary: It’s been over three years and yet Arthur and Gwen remain childless, putting a lot of pressure on the queen to produce an heir and one soon.
Author’s notes: Thanks must go to mara93 for her support and help in writing this fic. She was also kind enough to beta this for me. So if anything sounds better, or my pacing looks to be improved, it’s all thanks to her.


Another month and still no child.

At first, Gwen was happy and filled with so much blissful joy to finally be married to Arthur that she did not take notice of her monthly. While her maids and ladies-in-waiting kept note of it each month to ensure that it was regular, Gwen was too busy being a newlywed and Queen. The latter was a role she was at first anxious about under-taking, but with Arthur, her friends and family by her side she had managed, becoming the successful Queen they all knew she could be, but for one thing.

With Camelot’s growth vast as more kingdoms fell, thus seeking protection and leadership now more than ever an heir was needed. Beyond just duty, Gwen had always wanted children. This yearning had only grown stronger once she fell in love with Arthur. She wanted nothing more than to give her husband a son -- or daughter – a beautiful product of the love they had for each other.

Now, in their chambers, clutching her bloody underwear, Gwen takes a slow deep breath in and exhales gently. Little tear drops fall down her cheeks which she quickly banishes with a wipe of her sleeve. Not being able to handle holding the offending material anymore, she tosses it into the fire.

She was sure that this month would be different, that Arthur’s seed would have taken hold in her womb. Instead, disappointment that once again she would have to tell Arthur that she was not with child.

Gwen turns her back on the fireplace, as if by doing so it is forgotten, no bother, but that is a lie. She just can’t deal with it now, a Knight ceremony is to start in just twenty minutes and she still has yet to get dressed.


Twenty minutes seem to fly by as Gwen’s maid Edith finishes the final touches to her gown after a return from attending to the royal couple’s laundry.
It shocked both her maid and the nobles that the King and Queen would share chambers for it was not tradition, but then Arthur and Gwen were never a traditional couple. Gwen was glad for it to be understood that she and Arthur were married for love, not just political purposes.

When finally her maid is done, Gwen tells her graciously, “Thank you Edith.” Edith nods her head, and Gwen informs her, “You may go and join the rest of the servants in the kitchen and feel free to have the night off. I won’t need you to attend to me afterwards.”

As Edith vacates the room from one side, Arthur enters from another. While Gwen is still feeling out of sorts, she cannot help the way her heart leaps at the sight of her husband. After three years of marriage he still manages to leave her feeling breathless.

Noticing her smile, Arthur smiles back. He brushes his lips across hers gently, but appears to be in a hurry, as he is still not dressed. The council meeting went longer than planned. Gwen laughs, but then abolishes him, “Arthur we are meant to be down in the Great Hall like right now.” He definitely seems to know this as he is already at their wardrobe, selecting his outfit.

Gwen quickly rushes over to take the chainmail out of his hands.


“What is it with you and your armour?” She teases, and Arthur gets his puppy-dog pout out, knowing that it is his wife’s weakness.

But not this time, Gwen is determined. She begins searching the wardrobe and sighs in relief when she finds it, her favourite.

“Here,” She passes it towards him, “This is perfect. Now we’re going to be late if we don’t make haste so you better hurry up and get dressed.”

It is his red tunic plus matching jacket with gold studs all over the sleeves. However, instead of going to get changed, Arthur does the opposite. He steps closer towards Gwen, bringing his arms around her waist, his hands settling on her lower back, towards her bottom.

“What is in it for me if I wear it?” He smirks down at her meaningfully, his voice full of seduction.

Damn him! Gwen thinks, before he bends his head down to place a gentle kiss upon her neck, near her collarbone for he knows that this is one of the places on her body that causes her unimaginable pleasure.

“You’ll just have to wait and find out,” Gwen replies, equally aroused. Arthur slowly brings his hands around her front, to her stomach in a light caress, causing Gwen to sigh. She pulls away, noticing the concerned look upon her husband’s face.

“But it will have to be in a week, my love,” Gwen explains, trying to keep composed, knowing he understands. Once again a child has not been conceived.

Arthur looks at her deep in the eyes for a long moment, reading her mind, feeling her pain. Then after lowering his head to kiss the top of her hair, he picks up the discarded tunic and jacket to dress behind the screen, leaving her alone, her stomach flat and empty.


As Gwen predicted they would be, they are late. But no one seems to care so much for the king and queen are always given allowance.

The knighting ceremony goes well, but that is not a surprise seeing as her husband is very well versed on such protocols. Arthur looks so proud of the new knights he has recruited. With the kingdom ever expanding, it is also important that it is well protected by those who are up to the task.

She looks over towards her husband now, only to see he is rather occupied discussing something rather animatedly with one of the new knights. Not wanting to intrude on them, Gwen decides she had better make the rounds around the room to talk to the various nobles who have attended the ceremony.

But first, she needs to get a drink.

After making her way towards the servant serving the drinks, Gwen takes a quick sip. Then, with the goblet in hand, she makes her way around the room, talking to nobles.

It’s not long, until she hears it. The more traditional ladies -- or as Gwen refers to them, snobs -- who never approved of their King marrying a mere commoner. While three years have passed and most of the nobles have come to respect and accept her as their Queen, some of them still resent her and show it when the king is not around.

At first it used to bother her, but after a while and a lot of reassurance from her family, friends and husband, Gwen no longer gets so upset.

However, this time it is different.

”After all this time, you would think there would be an heir,” Lady Anna points out to another noble lady as she slips her goblet.

“Well, certainly with a husband as active and robust you would think they would have had ten by now.” Her companion sighs as she also takes another sip from her drink, before responding, “It must be her I think.”

The first lady nods her head in agreement, “This is what happens when our King marries a servant.”

Not being able to hear anymore, Gwen goes to turn away, nearly colliding into Merlin.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Gwen apologizes as she rights herself. Merlin merely smiles at her.

“It’s alright, Your Highness.” Merlin gives a mischievous grin, knowing that Gwen hates it when he calls her that.

But this time Gwen merely nods her head and stays silent. Merlin knows that all is not well with his friend.

“Is everything alright Gwen?” he asks her gently, watching her face, concerned.

“Yeah, everything is fine.” She tells him quickly, too quickly.

“You sure?” He ventures again and Gwen realizes that it is no use. Merlin has known her for years, been there for her when no one else was. He knows when she is okay and when she isn’t.

“Okay, I’ll tell you. But first can we go somewhere else?” She asks, before taking his arm and leading him to the balcony so they talk in private.

Arthur watches them with a concerned look, not knowing whether he should follow. He sighs, thinking that Merlin is a good friend and that seems to be what she needs now.


“They said WHAT?” Merlin asks her, angry ashamed that people are still treating his friend this way.

“Keep quiet!” Gwen shushes him, before nodding her head, “They did.” Her face falls down in shame, thinking that the ladies are right.

Then she feels Merlin hands on her shoulder, and hears him say, “Don’t listen to them. These things sometimes take time.” He tries to reassure her, afraid it won’t work. The past three years Merlin’s been able to see the toll that remaining childless has taken on Arthur and Gwen.

Just when Gwen is about to say something to her dear friend, she hears soft footsteps behind her and then his voice.

“I was wondering where you had gotten too…” Gwen quickly brushes the tiny tears that had begun falling, before turning towards her husband.

“I was just in need of some fresh air and Merlin was good enough to keep me company,” She tells him, giving her husband a reassuring smile. “But I think it’s time for bed,” Gwen suggests, feeling tired. No doubt from all the stress from the day.

Arthur agrees and steps closer towards her, offering his arm and entwining his hand in hers. And just for a glimmer of a moment, Gwen feels safe. Like nothing bad could happen.


To be continued...
"The Diamond of the Day" Part 1

Hey there. Sixty-three down and two to go. Now who said that? Oh, yeah, it was Bradley James earlier this week I think. I’m really not sure how I’m feeling about this. I should be super sad, but for some reason I’m not. Not sure why. Speaking for myself, I think I’ve invested far too much time and emotion into this. It’s a tv show and while it’s been somewhat of a “hobby” in my case there have been times it’s been somewhat a stress on the blood pressure and I’m speaking seriously. But on the other hand, there’s my main reason for watching:...
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"The Kindness of Strangers"

I can't believe the lack of excitement about this episode. I guess it's what should be expected after we wore ourselves out last week running the gamut of emotions on that one.

We know there will be something of Arwen in this, but not much. Merlin will be center stage which is fine. Well, we shall see. I'm not even going to bother to put up a picture yet until afterwards as the only one of interest to us---well, I want to see for sure what that is all about first.

OK, that's all I have to say. See you all after.
posted by kbrand5333
In honor of the birthday girls
Joppa: 5 December
Guen_evere: 6 December
Shuvarna: 7 December

Hope you all had a great day!

When the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,
He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.
- from “The Female of the Species,” Rudyard Kipling, 1911

    Gwen sees the Arthur and the knights emerge from the dark cavern, dirty, some slightly bloodied, but all alive and well. She had been on pins and needles for...
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Hey, hey, hey. I haven't been around because of this power outage and I'm sure I've missed quite a lot so can't wait to get back and find out what I've been missing. My hubby let me use some of the generator power (modem on a surge protector) to get online for awhile and to get emails, etc. So naturally one of the first things on my list is to set up our episode discussion for this week. Crossing fingers to be able to see it before the day is over! I see electric utility workers down the street!!!!!!

Hope everybody enjoys this episode coming, and I hope to read up on the next two asap because...
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So, folks, let’s see what we get today. Of primary interest to most of us, let’s see if our little couple, now married, get to have a few minutes alone together for the first time in season 5. Let’s see if they actually even have a conversation between themselves, even if only a few words are exchanged. Only a matter of a couple of hours and we’ll know about that.

Let’s see what Princess Mithian is all about. When we first heard Janet M. was coming back with her character, I remember some concern among us that trouble was going to be stirred up between Mr. and Mrs. Pendragon as a result....
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posted by Arina0122
Ladies, thank you for your inspiration. I have never written before and this is my first fan fiction. Please forgive any errors: grammar, typos and etc.

Gwen Thomas, seventeen year old junior at Camelot High gathered up her courage and started down the hallway to ask her longtime friend, Arthur Pendragon, eighteen year old senior to the Sadie Hawkins Dance. (In the United States, the Sadie Hawkins Dance is usually a less formal dance sponsored by a high school, middle school or college, in which female students invite male students.)was tonight and she had waited too long already. She...
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She sat in the nearly-empty coffee shop, cradling a rather oversized cup in her hands, her delicate fingers unable to span the width of it. The cup was a creamy ivory, a direct contrast to her own tawny complexion.

She blew on the surface of the steaming liquid in an attempt to cool it down so that she could sip it without scalding her lips. She liked her tea slightly warm, but realized early on that to ask it to be served as such was sacrilege. She has been a frequent enough visitor of this establishment to know that it's owners and patrons took their beverages very seriously—something which...
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    Inside the train, Gwen stands by the door looking dejected. Her heart is aching and she doesn’t even know how to contain the pain. It creeps, leaving her dizzy. ‘Did I say all those things? Did I really say that?’ she thinks, trying to recall what has happened. Everything seems like a dream, but the pain she feels in her heart is real. She drops her bag, clutches her heart and slumps to the ground. Tears are rolling down, wetting her neck and her shirt but she doesn’t care about it anymore. Her breathing is coming in rapidly as she...
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posted by ellarose88
Title: A Knight’s Tale
Author ellarose88
Rating: PG (with some slight sexual references! :P)
Word count: 2, 581
Characters/Pairings: Gwaine, Gwen, Arthur/Gwen, Gwaine/Gwen (bffs), Merlin, the Knights of Camelot.
Spoilers/Warnings: None really, just a Future Fic.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Merlin. If I did things would be different just a tad and I would own Arthur and Gwaine. Elyan and Percival too!
Summary: Gwaine gets enchanted….
Author’s notes: This fic was written last year for sophielou21's Birthday. This was Part One of her present.

Thanks must also go to mustbethursday3 for the prompting...
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Reading on tumblr that Gwen was harboring secret feelings for Lancelot while engaged to Arthur; and Morgana would not have been able to used Lancelot without Gwen still having feelings for him. Say what? I respectfully disagree. Sometimes I wonder if we are all watching the same show.

Regarding Gwen’s supposed feelings for Lancelot: Gwen did not harbor any secret love for Lancelot while engaged to Arthur. At the start of series 4, one year had elapsed since Lancelot returned fulltime to Camelot as a knight, yet during that time Gwen and Arthur were going strong. Their love deepened, and there...
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Let it be known. None of my clan of womanhood I call mates take prisoners lol. We are not loud. We do not foster war, however, never think we will not take you out. Keep your shit to yourself. I laughed when I read this, because you really could not get much more ARYAN than the woman being insulted lol. I mean really, you could not on any level. Anyway, she answered, all those years of public school (really means private) and actual knowledge will out. Yeah, she done good today.

Enjoy...oh this DISEASED ELEMENT was responding to her 101 History Course on BRITAIN. Clueless moron of course - aren't they always?

One of my favourite sayings in the world is keep your enemies way to destroy them. Let them think they have you but all this while you are perfectly aware and instead play them to the hilt until they hang themselves - they always do.

Ahh yes, the ART OF WAR, Sun Tzu approved dontchya know lololol.
Song 5: link

From wandering in the forest,
I have come into a clearing
Where I trust all men.
I am a lion who enters quietly
The cage of his own heart.

    Arthur is pacing. He is anxious. Restless. Distracted.
    “Are you all right, Arthur?” Merlin asks. “You’re stalking your room like a caged animal.”
    Arthur stops and looks at Merlin. “Am I all right? Of course I’m all right! I’m the happiest man in the world tonight, you know that!”
    “Then why are you pacing?”...
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Song 1: link

Since I have met you once,
I will meet you twice.
If we had lived forever,
We would have met before
And said goodbye, hello,
Goodbye, hello, goodbye,
Until the clocks break down.
When anything is possible,
Very little will do nicely.
These tables are my friends.
There are others,
But these are my friends.

    Surely there are more mushrooms in that thicket, Guinevere thinks, ducking under the low-hanging branches of an immense willow tree surrounded by thick undergrowth. She creeps along, her young limbs carrying her easily, her young eyes trained on the forest floor.
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A/N: I came across this set of eleven songs based on some short poems. The poems are by George Montgomery, but I don’t know what their actual names are, if they even have names. I found some of them beautiful and all of them interesting, so I’m attempting to use them as bases for some mini-fics.

The poems were set to music by William Bolcom, intended for performance by voice, piano, and a solo dancer. Hence the title Songs to Dance. It was only performed this way once, in New York in 1991. The pianist was William Bolcom, the soloist Joan Morris (Bolcom’s wife), and the dancer was Dan Wagoner...
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Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States. Independence Day is the national day of the United States

Hope you're all enjoying your day. I'll think of you enjoying your barbecues, parties etc. while I'm at work LOL
added by VampyreFey
Source: BBC: Merlin official website
added by HumbleQueen
Source: BBC
added by EPaws
Source: OnceandFuture