Amber the Penguin Club
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AmberLuv: I’m Sorry…

Amber just stared at her own words on the Screen.
‘What? Why did I even write that?’ She wondered, feeling like a total Loser, ‘What did I even apologize for? I hope he doesn’t burst out laughing!’

CarlosDeAmico: Aww… I didn’t mean to tell you off like that, Amber! Makes me sad to imagine you in Tears!

‘Again with the ‘Amber’?’ She thought, blushing again. How could this Guy Annoy her so much and be Kind to her... by just a few Words? How?
Slowly, she started to picture him in her mind dreamily… about what he looked like. She imagined him swimming in the Water with her.
Just then, she stopped Daydreaming, scolding herself, ‘Oh great! Now I’m thinking about going on a Date with him? No! I gotta snap out of this ‘Love Craziness’!’

CarlosDeAmico: Seniorita? Are you still there? I hope I didn’t scare you away or anything!

‘Scare me away?’ Amber thought, frowning. She felt the urge to criticize him again… but if she starts doing it, then what’s the point of Apologizing?

AmberLuv: No, I’m fine…
CarlosDeAmico: Look, I’ve wanted to ask you something… Do you have anyone to take you to the Homecoming Dance?

“WHAT?” Amber’s Beak dropped in surprise. She was about to ask him the same, too.
‘Wait a Sec! If he said he lives in New York, is he from my School, too?’ Amber wondered.

AmberLuv: Are you from my School, too?

For a long time, there was no reply from Carlos. Amber waited breathlessly for his Answer.
All of a sudden…

CarlosDeAmico: Um…Yes…
AmberLuv: Why didn’t you say that before? I guess that’s how you know me so well. :P
CarlosDeAmico: I suppose so...
AmberLuv: But I'm the one who still doesn't know you yet.

‘Geez, why am I awfully being like this?’ Amber said, scolding herself angrily, ‘Why in the name of Me do I want to know about HIM?’
She really wished she hadn’t written that so bad.

CarlosDeAmico: Sorry, I have to be going! Maybe we’ll Talk some other time, Amber… <3
Adios! Que te cuides!

Amber couldn’t believe her Eyes after seeing the ‘Heart’ next to her Name. She forced herself to breathe again. She also didn't understand what he wrote in the end.
In a Second, Carlos was not online anymore.
Amber sighed heavily. Was she was Glad that he finally left… or was she Sad? She couldn’t tell.
However, another thought popped up in her Head.
‘Why did Carlos leave the Conversation? He’s not the type to stop annoying people!’ She thought, ‘Okay… That is soooo Weird!’

At School:

The Next Day at School, a Short Male Penguin nervously waddled down the Hall.
“Yo, Private!” Someone called out.
Private turned around to see a Jock, standing right near his Locker. He had a Sarcastic look on his Face.
“Yeah… I’m talking to you, Freshman!” The Jock put in, folding his Flippers.
“How’d you know my name?” Private asked curiously.
“The Name’s Skipper… A.K.A, The Backup Quarterback!” He smiled, flexing his Arm Muscles.
Private frowned at Skipper.
“I already know that, Tough Guy!” Private said.
Skipper glared at Private, for talking to him like that.
“You better watch your Beak, Punk! I’m gonna have to Pound your Face in!” Skipper threatened, pulling his Fist up.
Private gulped.
“Look, there’s no reason to get Violent. Let’s just talk about this!!” Private’s Voice echoed around the Hall, full of Students, "Punching won't solve the problem!"
“You little Meat!” Skipper yelled, pulling his Fist up and punching Private in the Stomach.
“Ooof!” Private Grunted.
The Entire Crowd of Students gathered, watching the Scene.
“How about this?” Skipper punched Private again, knocking him back against the Lockers.
Private fell to the Ground…

* To Be Continued in Part 3…