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Advice Question

I'm having a problem with my best friend and ex.

So, I wasn't allowed to date in middle school. Whatever. In seventh grade, I met this guy, Francis, and I really liked him and he liked me. We were basically going out. We held hands when the teachers weren't looking, he walked me home every day, we sat by each other all the time, even my step-dad gave him the "If you break her heart I'll break your body" speach that dads are famous for.
About halfway through 8th grade I noticed he was spending a lot of time with my best friend Scarlett. She held his hand when we walked home from school, sat by him at lunch, and was at his house constantly. I shrugged it off, thinking it was nothing. After all, she was really clingy.
Then I find out that she liked him and he liked her. However, she was my best friend and I trusted her not toput any moves on my almost boyfriend.
Well, I shouldn't have because I found out that one of her friends asked her (while he was still with me) if he was going to ask Scarlett out. Francis said he was seriously considering asking her out ASAP.
I asked him to choose and told her to lay off. He verbally chose me but the flirting didn't stop either way. So I broke it off with him.
Well now, most of my friends say it's my fault. I should have just gone against my mother and gone out with him, or Francis would never do something that cruel and I must be lying. My favorite reason for why it was all my fault? We weren't really dating anyway.
Scarlett and Francis expect me to still be their friend, while they're holding hands and calling each other sweetie and babe, and after all they did to me.
I don't know what to do. Do you think I was out of line and should just suck it up? Or do you think I deserve time away from them?
 Kassaremidylynn posted over a year ago
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Advice Answers

zomeister said:
I think you did the right thing. Ask yourself this question : if that girl (nearly) stole your boyfriend, is she really still your best friend ? Also, how can that guy expect to still being your friend ? Just explain to them what you think, and you do deserve time away from them. Tell them how hurt you are and how you don't think that you should still be friends.
I hope it turns out well for you.

_Zoë :)
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you so much. You made me feel so much better. I just needed to know that someone agreed with me, since I've gotten no support from my friends.
Kassaremidylynn posted over a year ago
Your welcome, I was glad to help :)
zomeister posted over a year ago
dreamfields said:
Of the three, you seem to be the only one who was trying to do the right thing. "Your fault for obeying your Mom?" Give me a break.
It's natural for you to feel hurt. If they cann't see that, they must be really selfish.
I say take a break from them and let yourself heal. Find something positive to focus on. At the same time try not to dwell on what the other two did. You don't want to keep reliving that in your mind. Try to let it go.
I cannot see anything that you did wrong. So I ask that you give yourself permission to be happy. Hang in there, it will get better.
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posted over a year ago 
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