Adam Ross Quotes, Scenes, and Moments

CSIAly posted on Feb 28, 2009 at 03:24AM
It is incredibly hard to think of just one Adam scene I love the most, since he is just too damn loveable, but my favourite three moments would have to be...

>Once Adam is caught by Mac and Stella while he's testing paper areoplanes in the CSI building instead of working and hastily explains that the planes form a map which help the case. I love the quote...

Mac: So why is half the lab watching you fly paper areoplanes?

Adam: That is--um--a good point and now I'm going to walk away and hopefully save my job. :D

>When Adam is teaching Mac about Second Life and he and Stella get a kick out of watching Mac trying to 'pick up' their suspect via avatar. ;)

>And most certainly when Adam 'smokes' a carrot in season 5 and Stella walks in saying: "Adam, what the HELL are you doing?" Then he explains one smokes a carrot and then adds on an incredibly funny: "and you're ready for a good time!" XD

What are your favourite quotes, scenes, or moments? :)

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