A Song of Ice and Fire Favorite Characters?

papa posted on Jul 25, 2006 at 10:40PM
My current faves:
- Tyrion (of course!)
- Jaime (has gotten more and more interesting)
- The Hound (reprehensible, yes. But always fascinating)

What makes Martin's books so enjoyable is that your short-list of favorite characters changes as the series progresses.

Least favorite? Probably Cersei or Sansa. Though Sansa is getting more and more compelling through her association with Littlefinger.

A Song of Ice and Fire 37 replies

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over a year ago harold said…
For me: Littlefinger, Eddard, Arya, Syrio, Jon, Jaqen, Brienne, Davos, and Beric.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago michael said…
I'm only 2/3 of the way through the first book, but I like Jon, Arya, and Tyrion. Hmmm, I'm not sure I like them so much as look forward to finding out what happens to them in particular.
over a year ago monkeypup said…
Tyrion first and foremost. Then Jojen and Meera Reed, Arya and Jamie.

I really despise Littlefinger and Cersei.
over a year ago TheDude said…
My favorites would have to be: Tyrion, Jon Snow, Varys, and (though his appearance is brief) Ser Cortnay Penrose.
over a year ago michael said…
After finishing the (first) four books, I still have to say that I like reading about Jon, Arya, and Tyrion the most. I also kept looking forward to more Brienne.

On my second time through the books, I'm discovering that I like Catelyn less and less.
over a year ago tim_doyle said…
JON SNOW wins by a mile
over a year ago macaddict said…
I was a big Maester Aemon fan.

I also really like Littlefinger for some strange reason. I wish they'd give him some point-of-view chapters.
over a year ago WolF3191 said…
All of the Starks, but Catelyn.
Also, Tyrion gets my sympathy.
over a year ago Mordred said…
The Hound by far is my favourite, although Bronn and The Red Viper, and Euron Crows-eye, and Dolorous Edd are all a close second.
over a year ago dclxvtheaterboy said…
In order Daenerys Stormborn, Arya Stark, Tyrion Lannister, newly Jaime Lannister, Barristan Selmy, Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly, Varys, The Queen of Thorns,
I have to say that I find Arya and Daenerys to be huge favorites because of their evolution as people as well as growing powers, also Barristan Selmy is always interesting because of his unwavering honor tempered by bitter resentment of the world, Tyrion is just plain fun to watch him struggle to be good when he is so good at being bad, Jaime always was a fun character because he was so one dimensional and almost comical in his evil until recently, Varys has his fingers in everything and everyone, Jon I like but he is too obviously the hero character for my tastes and I think Sam's constant struggle to be brave to be heartening....I could keep on going forever which is why this series is so amazing
over a year ago GrimHerald said…
Mine would have to be Daenerys, Littlefinger, Tyrion, Jon, Jaime, Arya and the Hound.
over a year ago glottis45 said…
Enjoy reading about Jaime, Bronn, and anything to do with the Greyjoy family.
over a year ago zorya said…

don't know why but I also like Cotter Pyke (commander of the eastwatch -by-the-sea)
over a year ago Fenrir said…
Jaime by far. I'm very fond of Jon Snow because I feel like we think the same way...but sometimes I appear as more of a Podrick Payne haha which is why I also like him too.
over a year ago Fenrir said…
Oh...and in a way...I feel very sorry for Theon Greyjoy. I don't really think he's a bad guy...he's just had a shitty father haha
over a year ago PrinceRhaegar said…
Totally Jon Snow, dany, tyrion, eddard for me
over a year ago PrinceRhaegar said…
i really hated joffrey
over a year ago Fenrir said…
Psh. Who doesn't hate Joffrey? I'm glad the queen of thorns took care of him XD I miss Tyrion, and I still love Jaime...sometimes I wish I had a great grandfather like maester Aemon too haha
over a year ago Fenrir said…
Oh and has anybody seen the HBO character cast? The kid who got the Joffrey role looks way to young. Catelyn and Cersei need to switch parts, and Sansa is supposed to have auburn hair...the actress that is going to play her is a total blonde. Arya, Bran, and Jon are all good. Jaime too. The guy that's going to play Robb looks way to old. Peter...something plays Tyrion. I can't remember his last name, but he's good for the role. Danny got replaced by a British girl that suits the part better than Tamzin Merchant (she's way to old). And lastly, Sean Bean as Eddard stark! FUCKING PERFECT.
over a year ago BoxingKangar00 said…
Most of the characters are interesting to read about but my favourites are:
1. Jon Snow
2. Jaime Lannister
3. Tyrion
4. Tie between Arya and Littlefinger
over a year ago badder said…
1. Arya Stark
2. Jon Snow
3. Tyrion Lannister
over a year ago sunniva84 said…
I'm a big fun of the Stark family and not so popular characters of A Song of Ice and Fire:
1. Bran Stark
2. Catelyn Stark
3. Eddard Stark
AudreyFreak commented…
Ned is really popular though. over a year ago
over a year ago AryaStark21 said…
1.Tyrion and Cersei
2.Arya Stark
3.Daenerys Stormborn
5.Robb Stark
6.Jon Snow
7.Samwell Tarly xD
Hmm....and Maester Aemon too.
over a year ago hudson07 said…
1.Jaime Lannister
2.Arya Stark
3.Jon Snow
4.Davos Seaworth
5.Asha Greyjoy
6.Victarion Greyjoy
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago boleyna said…
Jaime Lannister is my favourite. Ramsey Bolton I despise most.
over a year ago SilverDoe29 said…
1. Daenerys
2. Jon Snow
3. Arya
4. Bran
5. Sansa
over a year ago heatherm1 said…
I'm only on A Storm of Swords and I've given myself some spoilers by reading this "I miss Tyrion" somebody said, that makes me said I hope he doesn't get killed off!
My favourites are, Tyrion, Dany and Jon.
That's not in order though because every day i find myself saying "Ok this one is my favourite then the next day i'm like no this one"!

George RR Martin makes it very hard to pick just one as a favourite I think, I don't care how long it takes him to finish them he is amazing.
over a year ago delamico said…
I just begun A Feast For Crows and wow... well... should I list everyone I liked, or just the more or less main characters? Whatever...

Lord Beric,
Mance Ryader,
Khal Drogo,
Oberyn Martell
(my four main crushes so far),

Minor characters I really liked: Gilly, Old Nan, Queen of Thorns, Dalla, Grenn, Pyp, Dolorous Edd, Tom O' Sevens, Thoros of Myr, Syrio Forel, Vargo Hoat, Tormund Giantsbane, Donal Noye, Hot Pie.

Deceased characters whose personality we mainly just imagine: Rhaegar Targaryen, Rhaenys, Arthur Dayne, Brandon Stark (he opened Littlefinger, that's enough to like him)
AudreyFreak commented…
You crush on a literal rapist who married a child against her will? Ew. Ew. EWW. over a year ago
over a year ago Sylarfan said…
I really like all the characters! I agree with pretty much all these lists! There are very little characters who I dislike! But my Top 5 are:
Tyrion Lannister
The Hound
Arya Stark
Jaime Lannister
over a year ago stark_lannister said…
M favs: Tyrion
over a year ago Barbara_War said…
My favorites are Jon, Jaime, Arya, Asha, Littlefinger, Brienne, Daenerys, Robb, Tyrion, Podrik. Yeah, I think that's it, but maybe there are more. Oh, and Samwell, Coldhands and Jaqen H'ghar too. Oh, and Lady Stoneheart, and Bran, and Meera and Jojen. Oh, and Loras too, and Cersei and the Red Viper. Hope I didn't forget any.

The ones I despise the most are Ramsay, the Leech Lord, Joffrey, Freys (Lord Walder Frey most of all), Sansa (though she's getting better), guess that's it?
over a year ago Blackfish said…
Jon Snow
Arya Stark
The Hound
over a year ago asha_not_yara said…
Jon, Varys, Catelyn, Littlefinger, Arya, Cersei, Tyrion, Asha, Victarion, Bronn, Davos
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago D_J267 said…
Favourite POV characters

Barristan The Bold

Favourite non POV Characters

Robb Stark
Meera Reed
The Hound
Mance Rayder
The Red Viper
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Deanerys said…
Viserys the dragon prince by far
over a year ago JAlanaE said…
Jaime (once he got his hand chopped off)
Maester Aemon
Jeor Mormont
Ser Barristan
Daenerys (mainly in book 1)
over a year ago AudreyFreak said…
So what you mean is you like her better abused and abandoning her ideals, lol. I also love how many of you are ranking an innocent little girl with literal rapists and murderers. This fandom is so embarrassing.

Anyway, favorite:

Elia Martell

Honorable mentions: Osha, Myrcella, Tommen, the Reeds, Aemon, Lewin.

Least favorite:

Arya (I don't hate her but she is so boring and was a brat in book 1)
Tyrion (compelling chapters but he's a rapist, child molester, and misogynist)
Ygritte (don't care for the character tropes she represents, like Arya)
Olenna and Margaery
AudreyFreak commented…
I forgot Theon :( over a year ago
AdelitaI commented…
I agree with you. I don't get what is so wrong about her ideals. What is wrong with expecting your man to be handsome and chivalrous? Why must she being charmed by people just for their basic human decency? over a year ago